PEVEI t1_j6ot6jx wrote

This sub takes healthy skepticism about law enforcement and feeds it through a fever dream, this is actually pretty mild by contrast. As you say though, this is the end of more than one career, done in a way that was always going to become public. If you were going to tank a case, this is not the way a sane person would do it.

But good luck trying to tell that to people here.


PEVEI t1_j5g6y84 wrote

I did something awful to my neck a few years ago, and ended up on Prednisone for a week. Now I wouldn’t recommend it overall, kind of a nasty drug, but as an upside all of those little aches and pains you just get used to as you age… they go away. Not forever, just for the duration, but it’s like this incredible vacation from pain.