PM_ME_UR_RECIPEZ t1_jdxm9go wrote

I’m biased towards pedophilia bc it was my own idea but I also think it tracks with making him a monster like the demon. He’s consumed an entire persons life with this horrible horrible action.

I think having carnal desires in quotes for emphasis also allows it to be a highlighted point of fact. Because it didn’t need to be in quotes. But now it’s like..okay what are the “carnal desires” and why were they enough not to get him kicked out of the clergy but excommunicated


PM_ME_UR_RECIPEZ t1_jdxm3x0 wrote

It sounds like his carnal desires that was in parenthesis for emphasis in the first part was actually more than just what we first would have thought was consensual sex between another adult. And that’s what the demon is referring to all throughout when he’s alluding to the fact that Daniel is also a monster