PM_Me_Delish_Ramen t1_itouann wrote on October 25, 2022 at 5:41 AM Reply to comment by princessfoxglove in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga You've given me hope with all that you said, so thank you. Permalink Parent 2
PM_Me_Delish_Ramen t1_itouann wrote
Reply to comment by princessfoxglove in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
You've given me hope with all that you said, so thank you.