PNWMunky t1_j4c6faa wrote
Reply to comment by raynedanser in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
Justify what? If you’re an addict, get your shit together. My heart bleeds for those with a shred of integrity. Junkies can fuck off.
PNWMunky t1_j4c42g8 wrote
Reply to comment by raynedanser in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
Lol. I’m not concerned with the optics from Reddit folk.
PNWMunky t1_j4c30jw wrote
Reply to comment by Runnah5555 in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
That’s his problem.
PNWMunky t1_j4c2wlk wrote
Reply to comment by raynedanser in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
Lol. At some point it’s ok to judge one’s actions. A lot of people in this world. Get your shit together or get out of the way.
PNWMunky t1_j479m0k wrote
PNWMunky t1_j39b0k7 wrote
Reply to comment by SamShephardsMustache in Scott Perry claims a "framework is in place" to allow vote for McCarthy as Speaker of House by IamSauerKraut
You in high school?
PNWMunky t1_j360xh3 wrote
Reply to comment by chosen566 in In Manchester for a few nights by chosen566
Such a git
PNWMunky t1_j3335y6 wrote
Reply to comment by NathanVfromPlus in Police shot Gilford teen allegedly armed with a knife within two minutes of arriving, call logs show by SweetFeetLivingston
PNWMunky t1_j2n3f2c wrote
Reply to comment by WildWook in Machete Attacker in Times Square from Wells by bleahdeebleah
If you have a collector’s shovel…..
PNWMunky t1_j2n3bog wrote
Reply to comment by DrGordonFreemanScD in Machete Attacker in Times Square from Wells by bleahdeebleah
PNWMunky t1_j2ijkzi wrote
Reply to comment by Clorox_enema in Machete Attacker in Times Square from Wells by bleahdeebleah
It’s a type of machete. Machete’s are cheap. If you own an expensive one, your a dork.
PNWMunky t1_j1qii11 wrote
Reply to comment by cwalton505 in Shout out to NH workers on 12/25! by margismith1111
Lol. Down votes for not joining the circle jerk
PNWMunky t1_j1fi5i3 wrote
Reply to what could a vegan migration project learn from the libertarian migration project? by GoalSetting69
Stay in Australia
PNWMunky t1_j4crj8x wrote
Reply to comment by 2close2trouble in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
It’s easiest of all to truly have personal accountability.