PPQue6 t1_j6lnwyc wrote
Reply to comment by roararoarus in Biden says no F-16s for Ukraine as Russia claims gains by joshemerson
Well I'm sure dear leader is starved for attention since Putin stole his thunder
PPQue6 t1_j6ll6ls wrote
Reply to comment by roararoarus in Biden says no F-16s for Ukraine as Russia claims gains by joshemerson
> Look how N Korea is behaving since the Ukraine War.
The same as always....?
PPQue6 t1_j6k7zuj wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Want growth in Erie? Cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead by ToffeeFever
https://www.ecrda.net/ is the one!
PPQue6 t1_j6i86lx wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Want growth in Erie? Cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead by ToffeeFever
Just wait till you hear about ECRDA! We have all this money floating around this city and none of it seems to be going to help the people here...kinda makes a person think.
PPQue6 t1_j6i6j5w wrote
Oh fun it's this picture again...
PPQue6 t1_j6gwp5s wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in Want growth in Erie? Cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead by ToffeeFever
Yep the Great Republican Experiment. It was supposed to be a conservative paradise, but they went tits up in the first few years. It's a great example of why conservative policies don't work.
PPQue6 t1_j6di1dh wrote
Reply to comment by TSUTigers95 in I picked up a 1099 gig in ‘22. Are there any tax advantages I’m eligible for? by lm_nurse77
Only answer here that matters.
PPQue6 t1_j6dfi7c wrote
Reply to Caught him mid-sneeze (OC) by samspastic
More like mid derp! 😅
PPQue6 t1_j66g6jj wrote
Reply to comment by shadowtheimpure in Cat broke into Lynx's cage and now they are best buds. by V6R32
It's like.....Meowschwitz in there!
PPQue6 t1_j64sh4h wrote
Reply to comment by pegothejerk in BuzzFeed says it will use AI to help create content, stock jumps 150% | CNN Business by KennyFulgencio
Absolutely agree. The time is coming sooner rather than later, where the need for labor will be a relic of the past.
PPQue6 t1_j64jeef wrote
Reply to comment by jayfeather31 in BuzzFeed says it will use AI to help create content, stock jumps 150% | CNN Business by KennyFulgencio
Absolutely! You've got idiots worried about immigrants taking their jobs, when in reality it will be AI and automation taking their jobs.
PPQue6 t1_j5werfu wrote
Reply to comment by hikingfortheviews in This was the closest case of a “foster fail” that I’ve experienced thus far in my foster parenting journey. It was perfect while it last Rio, you’re new forever family is going to love you ❤️ by hikingfortheviews
He's definitely going to be a much loved member of his new family!
PPQue6 t1_j5wdlhg wrote
Reply to This was the closest case of a “foster fail” that I’ve experienced thus far in my foster parenting journey. It was perfect while it last Rio, you’re new forever family is going to love you ❤️ by hikingfortheviews
Nope nope nope, that'd 100% be a foster fail for me. They are just too cute!
PPQue6 t1_j5knitx wrote
Reply to comment by MasterTeacher123 in Your thoughts on Law & Order? by FreshmenMan
This!!!! Fuck this show and every show like it.
PPQue6 t1_j5kn37m wrote
Reply to comment by Whole_Region_1993 in Would it be a good idea to move to PA just for work? by finallyalright
I've lived in Columbus as well (Westerville) and I have to say it's a fantastic city, but its main issue is that it's Ohio...
PPQue6 t1_j5klq9i wrote
Reply to France protests: man lost testicle after clashes with police – lawyer | France by Bynoeson94
Someone should tell the cops to stop bustin balls...
PPQue6 t1_j5k4kk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial_Yak7468 in Brazil's army chief fired in aftermath of capital uprising by drkgodess
100% agreed!
PPQue6 t1_j5hh3se wrote
Reply to comment by PM_Me_Your_WorkFiles in Erie, Pa….I’m curious what is the perception of Pennsylvanians of Erie…it’s basically separated from the rest of the urban areas by Miserable-Gold-1493
>was really surprised to see so many immigrants and in general was surprised at the diversity of the place.
Honestly, it's the best part of living here!
PPQue6 t1_j5hgx1o wrote
Reply to comment by RedHeadedStepDevil in Erie, Pa….I’m curious what is the perception of Pennsylvanians of Erie…it’s basically separated from the rest of the urban areas by Miserable-Gold-1493
>but it’s a long-ass haul and is in the middle of nowhere.
3 1/2 hours to Toronto
1hr 15min to Buffalo
1hr 30min to Cleveland
2hr 15min to Pittsburgh
5hr to Columbus
4hr 30min to Detroit
and you call that middle of nowhere...?
PPQue6 t1_j5hgmgd wrote
Reply to comment by PatientNice in Erie, Pa….I’m curious what is the perception of Pennsylvanians of Erie…it’s basically separated from the rest of the urban areas by Miserable-Gold-1493
If you like good beer and Pierogis you should come to town for Zabawa (Polish Festival), it's pretty damn good!
PPQue6 t1_j5hgfvj wrote
Reply to comment by goddoesntlikemycock in Erie, Pa….I’m curious what is the perception of Pennsylvanians of Erie…it’s basically separated from the rest of the urban areas by Miserable-Gold-1493
Still love Segura!
PPQue6 t1_j5da1fl wrote
Reply to comment by phillygq1961 in PA Unemployment, I need to make this title 50 characters. by Deacon_Blues1
This! This is the exact reason why state reps/senators have local offices. Plus if enough people are getting a hold of them maybe they'll get the hint that the PAUC system sucks.
PPQue6 t1_j5d7gqo wrote
Guys.....Brazil has their shit together. Are we a 3rd world country now?
PPQue6 t1_j58lxl8 wrote
Or here's an idea...
We could stop moving in and living in places that we shouldn't be in the first place?
PPQue6 t1_j6lszhw wrote
Reply to Mercedes vs Tesla Self Driving by mlamping
Tesla is about to get Merc'ed!!!!