PandaCommando69 t1_isf3y46 wrote
Reply to Near/Distant future of humanity? by Weeb_Geek_7779
- idk. Maybe the solar system with exploratory missions beyond. 2) Yes. 3) Yes.
PandaCommando69 t1_irkuez4 wrote
Reply to comment by MrTacobeans in We are in the midst of the biggest technological revolution in history and people have no idea by DriftingKing
I think the memory is the key. I suspect that we are conscious because we are a self-referential loop with permanent (until it's not) memory (that's why it "feels like something to be us"--we are constantly observing ourselves) and I think that's where consciousness for artificial intelligence will come from too--The self-referential loop that remembers, learns, evolves.
PandaCommando69 t1_irks2x6 wrote
Reply to comment by GraffMx in As Ray Kurzweil says Godlikeness is possible post-singularity... by Scarro_Lamann
That's a really good site actually, I've just started reading over there a bit ago. Definitely recommend.
PandaCommando69 t1_irkrvs5 wrote
Reply to comment by Scarro_Lamann in As Ray Kurzweil says Godlikeness is possible post-singularity... by Scarro_Lamann
The difference is* God made it (the universe). We're just getting the ability to manipulate it. We'll have some godlike powers, but still not be God ourselves. Maybe demigods would be a better description.
*If you believe that someone had to have created all that is.
PandaCommando69 t1_ir0msdh wrote
Reply to Are the youtube platform AI and many others social media AI are corrupting the young generation? by NTR_Slayer
It's not "girls twerking" that's the problem (that's intellectually lazy and a standard misogynist talking point). The actual problem is that human attention has been monetized (by corporations), and manipulated by bad actors (trolls and bots). It turns out the manipulating people's attention for money/ideology has some negative side effects (for them and society). Good call on avoiding social media though-- you'll avoid a lot of manipulative BS that way.
PandaCommando69 t1_isqrmth wrote
Reply to comment by Shiyayori in A new AI model can accurately predict human response to novel drug compounds by Dr_Singularity
This really does sound amazingly promising.
>Described in a newly published paper in Nature Machine Intelligence, the new model, called CODE-AE, can screen novel drug compounds to accurately predict efficacy in humans. In tests, it was also able to theoretically identify personalized drugs for over 9,000 patients that could better treat their conditions. Researchers expect the technique to significantly accelerate drug discovery and precision medicine.
I've been hearing about personalized medicine for so long, but maybe we're finally getting there?