
PandaEven3982 t1_j50veaf wrote

We had plans to do this in the 80s. This is ....hmm. how did you think we are going to mine the asteroid belt? You catch a rock, put it in an Earth crossing orbit, and refine it on the trip home. The energy is free, just lots of focused light. You set the asteroid in a slow tumble so it heats evenly. Return to Earth orbit with a few tons of refined metals and other goodies, probably already presold.


PandaEven3982 t1_j3mlkyq wrote

When you look at the night sky, you see a spacetime mosaic. All of the photons (light) reaching your eye come from different time periods. If that star is 40ly away then the light you see took 40 years to arrive st your eye. The star right next to it is 400ly distant and those photons have been traveling 400 years. A representation of spacetime.