That sounds awful for everyone involved tbh. You, house keepers, family, and especially the parrot. Maybe I'm anthromorphizing the parrot too much, but I'm sure the parrot is severely traumatized. I feel like what you did was the best for everyone involved. I'm sure having a flock of birds really helped him heal and move past that stage of life.
PandorasBox1999 t1_je91sj5 wrote
Reply to I adopted a rescue parrot and he says horrible things by EndTheMadnessPls
That sounds awful for everyone involved tbh. You, house keepers, family, and especially the parrot. Maybe I'm anthromorphizing the parrot too much, but I'm sure the parrot is severely traumatized. I feel like what you did was the best for everyone involved. I'm sure having a flock of birds really helped him heal and move past that stage of life.