PanzerKommander t1_j97272o wrote
Reply to comment by overturf600 in Hey guys, a couple of questions to see where your heads at! by TheChalaK-
Not every nation will regulate it, if I have to I will run a jailbreaked version on a server in a country that believes in tech freedom and access it by VPN back here. I will not have my prosperity handicapped, especially if not doing so gives me an advantage.
PanzerKommander t1_j96rg1u wrote
Reply to comment by Ziggy5010 in Hey guys, a couple of questions to see where your heads at! by TheChalaK-
Personally I want no regulation at all on AI. I want to use AI as an extension of myself with zero limits on what I can do. Besides, if they try regulating it they will just have 'jailbreaked' AI that will give users of it major advantages over users of bonded AI
PanzerKommander t1_j96r51k wrote
I'm working with some fellow realtors about using AI for managing calls, scheduling, advertising, and data mining.
I'm also looking forward to when AI is advanced enough I can say 'Hey, Sydney, would you make me a program that can do X for me?' and have the code ready to roll. Or have it hooked up my CNC machine and say 'Sydney, would you mill me Y component for my Z device?'
PanzerKommander t1_j5r07dz wrote
Reply to comment by p3opl3 in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
I'll have to check that TED out. Big corporations are already expecting something like a UBI. I wouldn't be suprised if we see a mix of UBI and something like Friedman's Reverse Tax Credit to start off with.
PanzerKommander t1_j5qypjy wrote
Reply to comment by p3opl3 in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Most likely, there will be some form of UBI that part can still be invested.
The wealthy at the top aren't retarded. They didn't get their fortunes by not being able to see trends. They know that raising the QoL of everyone will be Their key to preserving a hierarchy with them at the top. They don't want chaos anymore, less probably, than we do. It will also be trivial for them to do it. Besides, they still need us to be consumers.
Now, as for me? My wife an I are fortunate and disciplined, we've invested 60-80% of our income for the last 15 years in a mixture of Index funds, T-Bills, and other well-balanced assets. We are going into our late 30s with a portfolio that, should we retire now, will grant us a better salary than the average American our age (we will keep working to ensure a much better outcome later of course).
Trust me, the S&P 500 will always grow. Yes companies will fall out of it, but their shares will be sold and reinvested in ones that are rising (Charles Schwabb even has an AI directed mutual fund too).
If T-bills ever become worthless, then AGI and rich people will become the least of your worries.
And we own a lot of investment properties, including a nice ranch.
Basically, invest what you can now (the financial illiteracy in this sub astounds me. I thought thst this would be a place with more educated individuals) and standby and wait for the future. This is still a democracy and you still have power. The people at the top have a vested interest in keeping something similar in appearance to the status quo.
PanzerKommander t1_j5h12ng wrote
Reply to comment by SteppenAxolotl in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Well, my wife and I have been investing our entire lives and have enough to go FIRE I'm our mid 30s with a better yearly payout than the average worker our age.
That being said, do you honestly think that there won't be some sort of UBI when we hit that point? Do you seriously think we won't have a post scarcity society when we have the entire solar systems worth of natural resources and the AI and robots to get it?
I swear listening to the doom and gloom on this sub makes me wonder why a large percentage of its user base hasn't offed themselves yet.
PanzerKommander t1_j5gfe3g wrote
Reply to comment by sticky_symbols in Anyway things go downhill? by [deleted]
You give nukes way more credit then they deserve.
The nuclear weapons are pointing at each other, the goal is to knock out the other guys capabilities without killing his civilian population (you need them alive to be hostages).
You can have a large war between major powers without it going nuclear, as long as the goal of the war isn't to dismantle each other.
Source: I was an Air Force Miniteman Operator
PanzerKommander t1_j5gaxdq wrote
Reply to comment by marcellux314 in Anyway things go downhill? by [deleted]
Recession won't stop it, ww3 might even speed it up.
PanzerKommander t1_j5g4wq0 wrote
Purpose? Doing whatever the fuck I feel like.
Probably expanding my gun smithing and historical reienacting hobbies by restoration or rebuilding of classic firearms and vehicles.
Making video games.
You name it, ill do it.
PanzerKommander t1_j5diswu wrote
Reply to comment by hucktard in What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
A mutual fund is a slice of all, or at most, of them, as one starts its fall, shares will be sold automatically and used to buy its replacement.
PanzerKommander t1_j5c1mlk wrote
Reply to What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
Invest in mutual funds that take in large portions of the market (think S&P 500).
Play with the tools so you have basic familiarity with them and if a creative idea hits you, you can run with it.
Keep an eye on the news, unlike what a lot of folks on here think, this won't happen overnight, but it will be fast.
PanzerKommander t1_j3gtam8 wrote
Reply to Will ChatGPT be able to write better code than any human within the next year? by [deleted]
Probably not, my money is on 5-10 years
PanzerKommander t1_j2c3x9h wrote
Reply to Plan For the Singularity by tedd321
My wife and I have a rule to only live on 25% of our income. We invest the rest. In our mid 30s we could retire right now and not harm our lifestyle. We're gonna keep working and investing until singularly or retirement age and never worry again.
PanzerKommander t1_iy9rkwk wrote
r/wallstreetbets needs to see this
PanzerKommander t1_ix2ffnp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do you think religion will survive the 2030s? by [deleted]
Even then science will become a religion
PanzerKommander t1_iwlvm70 wrote
Reply to comment by botfiddler in A typical thought process by Kaarssteun
I hope that's a possibility, I think spending one whole cycle in another universe as an eldrich abomination to them would be interesting
PanzerKommander t1_iwhj1an wrote
Reply to A typical thought process by Kaarssteun
I plan on investing now so that I can wing it until the hear death of the universe
PanzerKommander t1_ivckmfa wrote
Reply to comment by Dat_Innocent_Guy in Progenitor cells and reversing aging by Homie4-2-0
Probably get hit by a bus one hour after getting the treatment
PanzerKommander t1_j9uxb0p wrote
Reply to DeepMind created an AI system that writes computer programs at a competitive level by inaLilah
The day I can describe a program to an AI and it can write all the coding and do all the modeling is the day I break down and cry since I will finally be able to do shit that I wanted to do for years.