Paradox68 OP t1_je7ayeh wrote
Reply to comment by MakeEmLeak in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Sure, why not?
Paradox68 OP t1_je7aswf wrote
Reply to comment by rrocketman88 in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Yeah AWS isn’t going anywhere. Just because it’s not growing as rapidly doesn’t concern me at all. Of course they’re not going to grow rapidly… it started with them being the new player to cloud compute, then they basically undercut the entire market, quickly became the most popular (or one of?) cloud service provider, and now they’re leveling off. Thing with investors is they see things like this and get scared there’s going to be a nosedive, because traditionally, that would be a more likely scenario given that limited information. However, AWS is still going strong. There are just less and less people who are not using AWS every day, so the pool of people who can migrate to their services shrinks.
Paradox68 OP t1_je67igw wrote
Reply to comment by CosmoPhD in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Agreed. Even if it just goes halfway back to its last peak ($140ish [Aug ‘22]), I’d be super happy. I guess time will tell.
Paradox68 OP t1_je638yk wrote
Reply to comment by Humble_Increase7503 in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
The market is forward looking. If you’re waiting for cost cutting to show up in margins and earnings, you’re already too late.
Paradox68 OP t1_je61psb wrote
Reply to comment by WineMakerBg in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
What? You lost me in the analogy.
AMZN stock price has been losing lately, while the actual company only continues to grow and enter new markets. I don’t think they’re winning every race.
Paradox68 OP t1_je61k6k wrote
Reply to comment by ElectricLetuceHead in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Hits too close to home
Paradox68 OP t1_je61gyx wrote
Reply to comment by bradyo164 in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Disagree. They were overvalued at 180, sure…probably.
But at $100 a share?
Before the split that would be $2,000 a share, which is literally the price from 2019 before the Fed really started fucking things up. I think back then it was a fair value, and taking into account the MASSIVE amount of inflation we’ve seen lately, in tandem with Amazon’s growth, $2,000 a share seems too low.
Paradox68 OP t1_je610n1 wrote
Reply to comment by BaldeeBanks in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Ok pack it in guys. BaldeeBanks is doing a run on the entire retail sector
Paradox68 OP t1_je60xeu wrote
Reply to comment by ThisGuyRightHer3 in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Paradox68 OP t1_je60tws wrote
Reply to comment by Ltstarbuck2 in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Yeah I guess I shouldn’t use words like that. AMZN’s version of “popping off” and GME’s version are different worlds entirely
Paradox68 OP t1_je5ymop wrote
Reply to comment by VisualMod in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Thanks Mod, I sure hope so!
Paradox68 OP t1_je5yhss wrote
Reply to comment by ticapnews in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Yes I know, but I’d rather bet on the faster horse, than try to play at lower odds.
Paradox68 t1_javd2vs wrote
Reply to comment by WardenEdgewise in Robot dogs are taking over the US military by diacewrb
Oh god I saw the robot bear in that one anime and all I can say is ABORT. Do NOT create robot bears. Avoid at all cost.
Paradox68 t1_j89ctp6 wrote
Reply to comment by Qewbicle in [Image] The Big Picture by ProfessionalDog
Yes, in case you weren’t aware; some stocks do stay flat over time (losing money, as you said), and others actually go down over time (also losing money). So you can’t just “zoom out” in every scenario….
Paradox68 t1_j86aoo1 wrote
Reply to [Image] The Big Picture by ProfessionalDog
That’s not how my stock chart looks at all.
Paradox68 t1_j5ozyu1 wrote
Reply to How many years do you think we have until space travel? Something like cowboy bebop by Aware_Ad2047
It’s after any of our lifetimes, sadly.
Born too late to be a real pirate, born too soon to be a space pirate.
Paradox68 t1_j2yiun1 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatWunUser in Self-driving stroller aims to reduce parents’ stress – at cost of £2,700 by diacewrb
No, it’s only $3,300, but it’s extremely heavy as well.
Paradox68 t1_j27y7rt wrote
Another one bites the dust
Paradox68 t1_j27y027 wrote
Reply to What is our current "best guess" about how to observers that entered a black hole on opposite sides would look to each other once they crossed the event horizon? by WittyUnwittingly
If you’ve crossed the event horizon, presuming you’re not already dead from the immense pressure, wouldn’t you only be able to see photos from behind you? I.e. everything from every angle your body is not blocking to the event horizon would just be pitch black.
Paradox68 t1_j220ypo wrote
Reply to comment by Keadaen in Activision's Boston studio workers announce unionization by No-Drawing-6975
Raven Software? You mean the ones who made Fable? Didn’t know that was owned by Activision /:
Paradox68 t1_j220idj wrote
Can’t wait for our kids to be using 42G
Paradox68 t1_j142vdr wrote
Reply to comment by Lootcifer- in Microsoft-Activision deal: Gamers sue to stop merger by marketrent
2023 seeming to be the Year of Acquisition for MS
Paradox68 t1_j141qab wrote
Reply to comment by volkmasterblood in Mozilla to Explore Healthy Social Media Alternative by geoxol
You mean like discord?
Paradox68 t1_j0zde63 wrote
Reply to comment by stealthdawg in How realistic is “The future of” on Netflix? by alakeya
How is this better for protecting your data than a solid metal stick?
Paradox68 OP t1_je7b9w7 wrote
Reply to comment by milkman_z in Anyone else think AMZN is going to pop off tomorrow? by Paradox68
Just buy Amazon shares dude. As soon as you start trading Futures (Options) you have entered “total gambling”
There’s investing, then there’s high risk investing (basically gambling), and then there are Options (total gambling). You’re trying to time the market which is usually not going to work out, unless you have some good information.
Buying shares there is no time limit. If you believe they’ll go up in the mid-long term, just buy shares. Going too far out, you’ll pay too much of a premium on the Options and increase your chances of losing it all. Just buy AMZN shares.