PassiveChemistry t1_jbdy8jc wrote
Reply to comment by Denominator0101 in PsBattle: Lounging Kitty by TropicTyrant
Excellent, thank you!
PassiveChemistry t1_jbdsd9p wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Lounging Kitty by TropicTyrant
There's gotta be a sub for cats like this, let's see...
aight, so it's neither of those, any other suggestions?
PassiveChemistry t1_j2f5d7p wrote
By seeing what happens when you poke it (sometimes quite violently, not always intentionally)
PassiveChemistry t1_ixm7417 wrote
Reply to comment by uniqueUsername_1024 in eli5 is there a scientific explanation or reason for intrusive thoughts or call of the void by DapperWheel521
Fortunately I'm completely fine at the moment and am now in therapy for tangentially related reasons, so if it starts again I'll have the necessary support I think. Thanks for the concern though.
PassiveChemistry t1_ixjqg6a wrote
Reply to comment by Yeagen in eli5 is there a scientific explanation or reason for intrusive thoughts or call of the void by DapperWheel521
This reminds me of a weird thing that seems to happen in my head when I get excessively stressed (e.g. uni final exams that I'd drastically underprepared for): I would find myself thinking about various ways of topping myself with a kind of detached curiosity, although I never felt I was actually in danger.
PassiveChemistry t1_jd2lyg2 wrote
Reply to comment by bouchert in New trans-exclusionary "Lesbian Project" accidentally uses trans couple’s image by SqueakSquawk4
That's like the opposite of intersectionality though, isn't it?