
PatriciaMorticia t1_j60gm6l wrote

I used to have a resident in a nursing home I worked in that was 103. Local paper came and did a story about her birthday, asked the usual "What's your secret to long life? She said a gin and tonic before bed and stay out of other peoples buisness. When they left she told me she wanted to say "Stay away from dicks and you'll have no drama!" . Also said it was miserable living long enough to see your friends and most of your family die.


PatriciaMorticia t1_j1ey8qp wrote

I feel like they have. I was having a look in my local Waterstones for a book my friend wanted for christmas, "Knee Deep In Life" by Laura Belbin, which was £11.99, I thought that was quite steep for what was a 300 odd page paperback. Found it for sale in a local independant book shop in Glasgow for £8.99 brand new.

If it's books I want to read I always check my local library first.