PeanutSalsa t1_iwdbmpb wrote
Reply to I’m Fran Hawthorne: I used to write award-winning nonfiction about consumer activism, the financial world, and the drug industry, but now I’m having much more fun writing novels. AMA about writing by franhawthorne
What do you like about writing fiction books over nonfiction books and vice versa?
PeanutSalsa t1_ivyu1bd wrote
Reply to We’re Sean and Kaj, two Navy veterans (intelligence officer /SEAL, respectively) who started a company to help build financial health and wealth for the military community. Ask us anything! by kajlarsen1
What do you think are the most important ongoing global issues the world's population doesn't know a lot about but should learn and be taught more about?
PeanutSalsa t1_ivozptk wrote
What does 99.9% of the universe is made up of plasma actually mean? Is there matter in the universe that can't be identified as elements from the periodic table and if so how much?
PeanutSalsa t1_ivkxyf6 wrote
Reply to AskScience AMA Series: We're NASA experts working on SWOT - an upcoming mission that will observe nearly all water on Earth's surface. Ask us anything! by AskScienceModerator
Are there any other viable or potentially viable solutions to stopping climate change outside of cutting greenhouse gases?
PeanutSalsa t1_iux9h2m wrote
Reply to I'm Gage Bennett, a Defense Content Developer at Offensive Security Ask me anything about cyber security and defense content creation. by Offsec_Community
Does Reddit, or social media platforms in general, have safeguards in place to stop users from posting malicious links on their platforms?
PeanutSalsa t1_iux6sys wrote
Reply to I'm Gage Bennett, a Defense Content Developer at Offensive Security Ask me anything about cyber security and defense content creation. by Offsec_Community
If a hacker sends a malicious link and someone clicks on it, can the hacker access the person's network upon them clicking on it? Are only copying and pasting full web address links or clicking links which you fully trust the best way to avoid clicking on malicious links? Any other suggestions?
PeanutSalsa t1_iuwyrry wrote
Reply to I'm Gage Bennett, a Defense Content Developer at Offensive Security Ask me anything about cyber security and defense content creation. by Offsec_Community
What are the most common ways hackers get into networks? Are there a lot of different methods for them to get into networks? What are some of the less common ways?
PeanutSalsa t1_iurkomk wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology by AutoModerator
What is the consensus belief of linguistics scholars toward the tower of Babel in the Bible being an event that happened in human history?
PeanutSalsa t1_iurk7f8 wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology by AutoModerator
What is the deal with Karelia? Are they self governed, etc?
PeanutSalsa t1_iumrq6w wrote
Reply to We’re Sandhya Moise, David Phillips and Chan Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Our research aims to grow human red blood cells in the lab to help treat cancer and other diseases. by UniversityofBath
After you grow human red blood cells in the lab, how long before they expire?
PeanutSalsa t1_iu1osrj wrote
Why do you think the Libertarian Party isn't as popular among Americans as the two main parties are?
PeanutSalsa t1_itxu41d wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
What causes headaches to happen?
PeanutSalsa t1_itwsv97 wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
What elements is DNA composed of?
PeanutSalsa t1_itw6oi5 wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
Why is monosodium glutamate (MSG) such a trigger of headaches for people?
PeanutSalsa t1_itw4lqn wrote
Reply to We're a group of people with gut health issues, microbiome researchers, and physicians here to answer your questions on the gut microbiome and digestive health (IBS, IBD, and more). Ask us anything! by cucciaman
Why is monosodium glutamate (MSG) such a trigger of headaches for people?
PeanutSalsa t1_itvrdcj wrote
Reply to We're a group of people with gut health issues, microbiome researchers, and physicians here to answer your questions on the gut microbiome and digestive health (IBS, IBD, and more). Ask us anything! by cucciaman
Can what happens in a person's stomach cause headaches and if so why is this?
PeanutSalsa t1_itvomre wrote
Reply to We're a group of people with gut health issues, microbiome researchers, and physicians here to answer your questions on the gut microbiome and digestive health (IBS, IBD, and more). Ask us anything! by cucciaman
Why is it that some people have a hard time digesting heavy foods?
PeanutSalsa t1_itv8j0u wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
How does Advil relieve headaches?
PeanutSalsa t1_itv82f1 wrote
Reply to We're a group of people with gut health issues, microbiome researchers, and physicians here to answer your questions on the gut microbiome and digestive health (IBS, IBD, and more). Ask us anything! by cucciaman
Why does stomach inflammation happen in general? And for a person who experiences stomach inflammation from eating certain foods, why does it only happen when that person eats certain foods?
PeanutSalsa t1_itv3mf1 wrote
Reply to We're a group of people with gut health issues, microbiome researchers, and physicians here to answer your questions on the gut microbiome and digestive health (IBS, IBD, and more). Ask us anything! by cucciaman
Why do you think gluten allergies have become so common among people?
PeanutSalsa t1_ituxg6m wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
Does the 1000 Genomes Project apply to all of a human's DNA which includes all their coding and non-coding DNA or not?
The first paragraph in its abstract states:
>"The 1000 Genomes Project set out to provide a comprehensive description of common human genetic variation by applying whole-genome sequencing to a diverse set of individuals from multiple populations."
But does "whole-genome sequencing" refer to all coding and non-coding DNA of an individual or not?
PeanutSalsa OP t1_iskk2g1 wrote
Reply to comment by adc34 in When it's said 99.9% of human DNA is the same in all humans, is this referring to only coding DNA or both coding and non-coding DNA combined? by PeanutSalsa
How is it determined this is talking about both coding and non-coding DNA combined?
PeanutSalsa t1_is625c2 wrote
When it's said the universe is expanding is this only referring to the galaxies moving away from each other or does it include space around the galaxies too?
PeanutSalsa t1_iwlqxmn wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science by AutoModerator
How much influence have ancient civilizations had on modern day engineering?