PeanutSalsa t1_j64r0ch wrote
How does one determine if the overall market is overpriced or even in a bubble? What signs can someone look for to determine if prices will or could be coming down?
PeanutSalsa t1_j60in4h wrote
Reply to We are Canadian scientists using new techniques to transform how we monitor and protect our freshwater lakes. Ask us anything… by iisd_ela
What threats act as obstacles to maintaining fresh water in the lakes you study?
PeanutSalsa t1_j5vdp3b wrote
Reply to Hi! I'm Michelle Singletary, personal finance columnist for The Washington Post. Ask me anything! by washingtonpost
Why do you think credit card interchange fees are as high as they are? What are the advantages and disadvantages of high credit card interchanges fees and what are your views on credit cards in general and in relation to interchange fees?
PeanutSalsa t1_j5unewd wrote
Reply to I'm Dr. Monica Rother. My research focuses on fire ecology and fire history from tree rings. Ask me anything! by Prof_Fire
What's the best way for someone to put out an indoor fire?
PeanutSalsa t1_j5l5acr wrote
Reply to We are the Brown University Nicotine Working Group. We study the causes, consequences, and treatments of nicotine and tobacco use. We're here to answer questions about anything we have the knowledge to answer related to tobacco use, ask us anything! by BrownNWG
It's often said that smoking relieves stress, is this true? What factors make it so difficult to quit smoking other than addiction?
PeanutSalsa t1_j51tdis wrote
Reply to Hi, I’m Mel Robbins, host of the #1 ranked The Mel Robbins Podcast and one of the most successful self-published authors in the world. I think motivation is garbage and I figured out how to cure my own anxiety after struggling with it for 30 years – AMA. by Mel-Robbins
What was your process like for self-publishing and reaching the success you did, and what general advice would you give on this area?
PeanutSalsa t1_j51p898 wrote
Does The Wall Street Journal cover all of your travelling expenses?
PeanutSalsa t1_j51c7se wrote
What's the most fascinating place you've ever covered and what made it so fascinating?
PeanutSalsa t1_j50p38h wrote
Reply to From Idea to Launch - AMA by kvlnkyl
What are you referring to when you say "corporate to startups"?
PeanutSalsa t1_j4wa4fh wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology by AutoModerator
What are the most intelligent species on earth next to humans? What makes them as intelligent as they are, and what got them to the point of having the intelligence they have?
PeanutSalsa t1_j471820 wrote
Reply to I am Michael Smith and I lead the federal agency that inspires and invests in service and volunteering. by AmeriCorpsCEO
What area of service receives the most volunteers on average? What area of service receives the least volunteers on average?
Or maybe, what areas are people most interested in helping with and which areas are people not? And does this pose any kinds of issues for your organization?
PeanutSalsa t1_j46wfp5 wrote
Reply to I'm Phil Rosen, a senior reporter at Insider. I've been covering the FTX collapse and its impact on the broader market - AMA! by BusinessInsider
Do you think cryptocurrency is here to stay? What challenges do you see it facing as time progresses, and do you see it having to go through any changes?
PeanutSalsa t1_j4378jg wrote
Reply to I’m a Washington Post space reporter here with a former NASA astronaut to discuss the future of space travel. Ask us anything. by washingtonpost
What are the obstacles standing in the way of humans living on Mars? Which do you see as the most difficult ones to overcome and why?
PeanutSalsa t1_j3xdvxb wrote
PeanutSalsa t1_j3xanaq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I’m Marin Richardson, founder/CEO of Disrupt PR and former award-winning broadcast journalist. AMA about public relations, getting the media's attention and being a female CEO. by DISRUPT_PR
Thanks for the answer. It was meant as a general question. With the second one, I rather mean, what do you think are the most effective types of earned media to use? Or maybe it varies?
I realized after writing it I could have worded it better but didn't want to edit it as I thought you may have already started answering, to avoid confusion.
PeanutSalsa t1_j3x87mq wrote
Reply to I’m Marin Richardson, founder/CEO of Disrupt PR and former award-winning broadcast journalist. AMA about public relations, getting the media's attention and being a female CEO. by DISRUPT_PR
What are examples of earned media? What do you think are the most effective outlets to utilize earned media? How can someone who is marketing a product best implement earned media into their marketing strategy?
PeanutSalsa t1_j3sb9t8 wrote
Reply to We’re the investigative team at Bloomberg Law and wrote a story on toxics metals in baby food. AMA! by bloomberglaw
Why are these baby food manufacturing companies putting heavy metals in baby food they manufacture?
PeanutSalsa t1_j2zaq3k wrote
Any good documentary/video suggestions that deal with space, the universe, planets, etc?
PeanutSalsa t1_j2y0iy3 wrote
Have there been any planets discovered that are as livable or more livable than earth for humans?
PeanutSalsa t1_j2uez59 wrote
Reply to IAMA Canadian Avionics Technician, specializing in line maintenance and Garmin flight deck installations on a number of different airframes. Please, ask me anything! by Mikeyme1998
Do you think there will be a point when flying vehicles become so safe, affordable, and readily available that they're used in the everyday lives of consumers for minor travel like cars are?
PeanutSalsa t1_j22g38y wrote
Reply to comment by TwentyninthDigitOfPi in Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology by AutoModerator
I think someone before said to me it doesn't have vowels. Also, each letter represents a word? I was hoping there would be an answer that would elaborate on and/or confirm any of this.
PeanutSalsa t1_j1zor60 wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology by AutoModerator
What are the basics of being able to read and understand Hebrew?
PeanutSalsa t1_j1vzamc wrote
Reply to AskScience AMA Series: I'm Here to Talk About Roots and Shoots: How Plants Prosper in the Desert and What it Means for Agriculture and Biodiversity, AMA! by AskScienceModerator
Is it possible that at some point through the use of technological and agricultural advancements, desert soil can become as fertile and economical to grow crops in as traditional soil?
PeanutSalsa t1_j1vecd9 wrote
Reply to AskScience AMA Series: I'm Here to Talk About Roots and Shoots: How Plants Prosper in the Desert and What it Means for Agriculture and Biodiversity, AMA! by AskScienceModerator
What fruits and vegetables can and can't grow in the desert?
PeanutSalsa t1_j6nix09 wrote
Reply to I'm Marin Smiljanic, founder and CEO of Omnisearch, a venture-backed startup building the next generation of search technology. AMA by marin_smiljanic
How does a search engine know how to direct the visitor to a certain part of a page so they don't have to scroll down it? Same for video and audio? Do the content builders have to put in certain metadata for the search engines to pick up on this or can the search engines pick up on them on their own?