Peelboy t1_izsqbly wrote
Weren't we exiting the mini ice age at that time?
Peelboy t1_iy85g3g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Blackberry $BB Elon by Worried_Cow_1052
It's hard butt someone has to do it
Peelboy t1_iy6rz68 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Blackberry $BB Elon by Worried_Cow_1052
But there would be an initial run, just hop out on that first pump.
Peelboy t1_iy6rvro wrote
Reply to comment by Teeheeleelee in Blackberry $BB Elon by Worried_Cow_1052
You must be very new around here...
Peelboy t1_iy413rw wrote
The problem is, it was entertainment and information now it is just bleh.
Peelboy t1_iy17bbx wrote
Reply to LPT: If you are squinting to protect your eyes while working, please put on safety glasses. Your eyesight is super important and not worth risking because you didn’t want to put on safety glasses by 02grimreaper
You are never too cool to protect your eyes, sure crap can still happen but the odds are much better for you.
Peelboy t1_ixvez0a wrote
Reply to comment by mark2talyho in Inflation Table Through November 2023 by OBS10invest
Let's go!
Peelboy t1_ixv9mcu wrote
Ohh Harry
Peelboy t1_ixtfxtn wrote
Reply to Who Spends More??? by watifurdadpulledout
My wife is better than me, but really I'm not bad either. I suppose in our case there is a negligible difference.
Peelboy t1_iuioies wrote
I like that alot, it screams there is something wrong and I can't put my finger on it.
Peelboy t1_izssv0u wrote
Reply to comment by marriedacarrot in [OC] Yearly Average Temperature in the UK, 1884 - 2021 by PieChartPirate
I'm not disputing that. Just the start of this was at the end of an unusual 500-year period.