PepeLePuget t1_jc4z2zz wrote
Reply to comment by TekkDub in Washington State Collected Over $500 Million in Marijuana Taxes in 2022, Nearly Double Liquor Taxes by GivenAllTheFucksSry
I mean, on what sales volume did cannabis reap 2x liquor's tax revenue? It wasn't 2x as much cannabis was it, because they're taxed at different rates and I highly doubt cannabis outsold liquor. If liquor outsold cannabis 2:1 and made just half the tax revenue, wouldn't that suggest that pot users are paying too much? Particularly if alcohol is correlated with greater health and social impacts. I'm sure the figures already exist I just don't know where to look.
PepeLePuget t1_jc4q896 wrote
Reply to Washington State Collected Over $500 Million in Marijuana Taxes in 2022, Nearly Double Liquor Taxes by GivenAllTheFucksSry
What's the ratio between the amount of cannabis and liquor sold?
PepeLePuget t1_ja4i44w wrote
Reply to comment by yeahsureYnot in WA auctions off more ‘old’ forest in $2.8 million sale by Plonsky2
Not so fun facts:
The US Forest Service is part of the Department of Agriculture
WA Department of Natural Resources gets most of its funding from forestry and geoduck harvesting
Edit: the DNR claim was cribbed from Wikipedia. Official data is here
PepeLePuget t1_j84zgnp wrote
Incoming qanon condemnation in 5…4…3…
Oh who am I kidding. They don’t give a rats ass what their own team does. It’s just a tool to slander their opponents.
PepeLePuget t1_j78d4jp wrote
Reply to comment by Agreeable_Situation4 in anyone know what this flags about? found in Graham by Cpt_Rabbit
I googled gst co
That’s all.
PepeLePuget t1_j77r2kl wrote
PepeLePuget t1_j6tynf5 wrote
Reply to comment by Psychological-Page59 in The tree of life, still hanging on in 2023 by pastoriagym
How about the Tree of Past Life?
PepeLePuget t1_j6tixp9 wrote
What are we gonna call it after it falls?
PepeLePuget t1_j615wal wrote
Reply to comment by Nixx_Mazda in Anyone else get mildly annoyed when people/news refer to ' Washington', but they really mean Washington, DC? by Nixx_Mazda
Don’t get me started on Vancouver.
PepeLePuget t1_j5c1ny1 wrote
Reply to I want to take my GF and I on a long drive to some antique shops…. Any suggestions? by Lostpotato913487
Port Orchard
PepeLePuget t1_j4zei0y wrote
Reply to Wipers on lights on by dualstrombolifeast
The fact that some people can’t/shouldn’t drive is a good reason to invest more in public transit.
PepeLePuget t1_j4y7gbm wrote
Reply to Cape Flattery (OC) by eskimobro907
Looking good 👍
PepeLePuget t1_j4jzyd4 wrote
Coasts don’t guard themselves.
PepeLePuget t1_j43bdym wrote
Reply to comment by Smzzms in We have a chance to help people AND profit. by SmbdysDad
> Mushrooms aren’t a crutch. That’s just the thing. A trip isn’t gonna cure your ailments. It’s going to make you think differently for a bit, but when it wears off you’re back at square one. No one needs to do mushrooms to “survive.” You’re out here romanticizing powerful drugs.
Crutches don’t cure ailments either. Crutches help people function when they can’t stand or walk on their own. If they put their crutches down, they’re back to not being able to walk. No one needs crutches to survive. No one needs to be a dick on the internet either. You’re out here minimizing the usefulness of tools that help some people function.
Being physically unable to function and being mentally hung up on something that’s completely demoralizing aren’t very different. Some people go to church for that sense of hope. Some people feel like religion is gross and manipulative. Some people do yoga or play music or any number of things. Some people go to therapy and take powerful medications. Some peopl appreciate a substance that allows them to see and think differently because it helps make further growth possible. Some people don’t limit themselves to a simplistic view of the world.
Some people who don’t understand the power of psychedelics or the mind, who aren’t curious about either of them and who don’t think a psychological condition can prevent a person from overcoming trauma like to think there’s no way anyone could benefit from them, but those people are in fact wrong.
Edit: added something
PepeLePuget t1_j42rn71 wrote
Reply to comment by Smzzms in We have a chance to help people AND profit. by SmbdysDad
So everyone is like your old roommate, whose abuse of illegal substances and pattern of self-harm is a lesson of what not to do and very much what supervised therapeutic treatment is intended to treat?
Do you expect someone with a broken body to not use a crutch? Are they supposed to suffer the indignity of dragging themselves around by their two or three good limbs just so you can feel better? It seems like your version of reality is wholly detached from the experience of others.
Fun fact: managing pain, trauma and disability is an important part of healing and survival.
PepeLePuget t1_j3x6idx wrote
Reply to Pulled over in Yakima. First ever ticket: no seatbelt, car without insurance, expired tabs. What do? by GoodLittleTerrorist
You might consider consulting r/LegalAdvice although their responses will be similar to the ones here, with an added “get a lawyer.”
PepeLePuget t1_j3vdebj wrote
Reply to Anybody from Pasco, WA? That's sort of where I grew up, left in 2004 and haven't returned for 18 years. I found a photo of my eight grade class from 1999-2000 at Isaac Stevens. About 10% of the picture was eaten by fungus after sitting in the attic for so long. If you're in the pic, we probably met. by Voracious_Port
PepeLePuget t1_izoa9xs wrote
Reply to comment by whidbeysounder in Clinton ferry terminal, looking towards Everett and Mukilteo. Circa July 1978 by Nixx_Mazda
PepeLePuget t1_iy52qnu wrote
These are great!
PepeLePuget t1_iy4ykk5 wrote
Reply to comment by Midnight_Moon29 in Any Nudist In Washington? Getting a group in Olympia Together by [deleted]
The polar plunge?
PepeLePuget t1_iy4y94w wrote
Wow you can see Earth’s curvature
PepeLePuget t1_ixi1kyp wrote
Reply to comment by ESR_Optics in Seattle tonight by thow78
Discovery Park
PepeLePuget t1_iwh6tqt wrote
Reply to Sunrise through the icy fog yesterday. by almondmilk64
Where is this?
PepeLePuget t1_iw6c4q2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Democrats flip a safe Republican seat. 🤣 by Amelia-Earwig
It’s entirely possible to feel bad for someone and still recognize their low value. Hell, I feel bad for whatsherface’s blind husband.
PepeLePuget t1_jdi2hii wrote
Reply to comment by hyrailer in Fun fact: 62% of U.S. states have an official language, but Washington doesn't by so-unobvious
So one group can claim superiority over another.