
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4jpjnq wrote

My parents are boomers... and my father is a habitual tailgater. I'm someone who values human life and thinks reckless driving is retarded and maladaptive. It has nothing to do with age, except I guess some young people are still caught in the fallacy that bad things can never happen to them. If you're behind me while I'm passing, you get to wait until I'm done, and if you tailgate, it's going to take longer until I'm done. Maybe someday you learn. Some people never do.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4ispuf wrote

The safe & proper thing for you to do in this situation is to further increase the distance between you and the car in front of you. The guy behind you gets the opposite of what he intended, and fuck him too. People who tailgate are scum.

When I'm feeling wicked, I'll do an imitation of someone who's lost, and randomly put on my left blinker and slow down. If the tailgater is the type who just does it habitually without thinking about it, that's often enough to get them to leave some distance.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy8asql wrote

Moron right wingers distrust any religion that involves head coverings. They might as well all be one in the same to them. I doubt the persons sending these hate messages had any idea about any of the faiths they were mocking, or even which one it was. This is how reactionaries think: anyone different than me is a threat.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_iu6d6s6 wrote

If you like the really standard ones, I think Peking House in Willimantic does a good job. It's a buffet, so you could go in and eat 30 of them for dinner if you wanted. 😁 Overall it's solid American Chinese, the price is fair, the people are nice, and it's a good selection. It's very casual which I like when I'm going to pig out.