Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4j2drl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
Sure but I'm not a left lane camper generally. But I have no sympathy for people who happen to be behind me when I'm passing- that's their problem, not mine, by law.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4iu110 wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Smith_411 in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
They're always waiting at the next light. That's why Google can tell you it's 30 minutes to your destination, and it legit takes you 29-31 minutes.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4itr7q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
No one owes you anything. The person in front of you has the right of way. And tailgating is illegal and unsafe.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4ithp9 wrote
Reply to comment by Hopeful_Table_7245 in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
That's literally the correct thing to do... you have to compensate for these morons and add enough space for 2x reaction time.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4ispuf wrote
The safe & proper thing for you to do in this situation is to further increase the distance between you and the car in front of you. The guy behind you gets the opposite of what he intended, and fuck him too. People who tailgate are scum.
When I'm feeling wicked, I'll do an imitation of someone who's lost, and randomly put on my left blinker and slow down. If the tailgater is the type who just does it habitually without thinking about it, that's often enough to get them to leave some distance.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j3lot8s wrote
Reply to comment by Muhshuggah in DMV license replacement unreasonably confusing by Muhshuggah
Your bank probably has that number.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j2eg7t2 wrote
Wow New Haven PD scraping the bottom of the barrel it seems
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j1iok5t wrote
Reply to comment by tavomcdouglas in East Hartford will have best internet in state in a couple years. possibly a dozen fiber providers. by Dipsetallover90
It's piecemeal, some neighborhoods get it, some don't. Even in Coventry not all neighborhoods have it (although mine does.) But in my industrial zone in Manchester we've got 30+ businesses in one location hostage to Cox.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j1hu5vk wrote
Reply to East Hartford will have best internet in state in a couple years. possibly a dozen fiber providers. by Dipsetallover90
I wish these companies would look at the west end of Manchester... Still only can get cox at my business, and it's very expensive for slow cable.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j1ezbk0 wrote
Reply to comment by Aaron351 in Is Joe Lieberman as well-liked as Chris Murphy? by Sir_FartyFartsalot_
Murphy isn't a gutless party guy though... He's been making noise about the Saudi while the party line has been business as usual. It's one place where I part ways with Biden.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j1ez18q wrote
Reply to comment by Sir_FartyFartsalot_ in Is Joe Lieberman as well-liked as Chris Murphy? by Sir_FartyFartsalot_
They like him more than Lieberman but not as much as Murphy.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j18kxzk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in State Police officer involved in crash on Rt 6 in Chaplin by Prime_Cat_Memes
Do we have any evidence of this? If it was two regular people involved in this, there would be an investigation. But now ones dead and the other is the one who would investigate
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j10xbog wrote
Bears bbq is super casual and low stress with kids. Let one grown up sit with the kids while the other grabs the food.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j0mf2ra wrote
Reply to Burning wood can save you hundreds over home heating oil — Here’s how to do it in Connecticut by IndicationOver
Sort of hilariously bad article, although the tip about getting wood from state land is smart. But then they talk about burning it in your fireplace, which is stupid.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iybat6m wrote
Reply to comment by Sens9 in what's the best way to get from new york to i-91 without sitting in traffic on i-95/i-84/merritt parkway? by zar1234
Yup, I used to do this when I lived in North Jersey while my future wife lived at UConn. I got so sick of every other route that I would take this one quite often. It's a nice enough drive. Hamilton Fish Newburgh–Beacon Bridge is pretty cool.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy8fkux wrote
Reply to comment by osrs_kwanoo in Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
No you weren't, you were hoping to spread your plague rat propaganda. It's still as stupid as it was in 2020.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy8asql wrote
Reply to FBI working with Norwich police to investigate targeted hate messages toward Sikh community by BeerJunky
Moron right wingers distrust any religion that involves head coverings. They might as well all be one in the same to them. I doubt the persons sending these hate messages had any idea about any of the faiths they were mocking, or even which one it was. This is how reactionaries think: anyone different than me is a threat.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy8ap9m wrote
Reply to comment by osrs_kwanoo in Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
Plague rats gonna plague, amirite?
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy85ysr wrote
At least the Boy Scouts do bottle recycling drives... why should healthy young people need charity to raise money? These girls have no skills to capitalize on?
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy85j81 wrote
Reply to Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
Bye Phoebe, you plague rat moron
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iy85g08 wrote
Reply to comment by osrs_kwanoo in Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
It's stupid enough that she wanted an exemption in the first place
Phantastic_Elastic t1_ix58rrs wrote
Reply to What kind of Bird? by mr-lexicality
Dead Crested Fox Snack
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iukbemo wrote
Reply to And What is the Deal with CT Drivers SPEEDING UP as you go around them...? by SnooPeripherals5518
I set my cruise control around 78 or so and chuckle at the morons who want to get competitive with my robot driver.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_iu6d6s6 wrote
Reply to Best place to get crab rangoons? by lostbutyoucanfollow
If you like the really standard ones, I think Peking House in Willimantic does a good job. It's a buffet, so you could go in and eat 30 of them for dinner if you wanted. 😁 Overall it's solid American Chinese, the price is fair, the people are nice, and it's a good selection. It's very casual which I like when I'm going to pig out.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_j4jpjnq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
My parents are boomers... and my father is a habitual tailgater. I'm someone who values human life and thinks reckless driving is retarded and maladaptive. It has nothing to do with age, except I guess some young people are still caught in the fallacy that bad things can never happen to them. If you're behind me while I'm passing, you get to wait until I'm done, and if you tailgate, it's going to take longer until I'm done. Maybe someday you learn. Some people never do.