
Phil_Fart_MD t1_iujt78k wrote

Hey. I am going through something similar. Look up attachment styles/theory. He may feel like his proximity to you is affecting his freedom. Even though he loves you. Look up living apart together. There are people who are married and live separately because that is what works. Living together is the root of issues for a lot of people. Lack of freedom of space/choice is what begins the end of many relationships. Me and my partner agrees to separate. She was willing to try to live apart-together, but she had never been involved romantically with someone else. And she does have reservations about whether I am the one or not. So instead of trying to convince her to stay or work it out, I’m just letting her go. Maybe temporary, or maybe forever, but I could never feel ok if I knew she had reservations. If she sees other people and relizes she wants to try again, I may be available, but I might have moved on. I just think the modern romantic relationship blueprint isn’t a fit for everyone. Some people don’t want monogamy, some people do but need their own space. Some people are polyamorous. Wish you the best . It is so hard to feel the relationship may be ending when there isn’t something drastic as the cause. I know I’ve been left with a lot of questions that don’t seem to have answers. And it hurts. <3