
PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_j13imj7 wrote

> “To me, the financial crisis is basically the result of three things: the decline in enrollment, which is happening everywhere, second is the lack of state funding — it has been flat for a long time — and third is really that we have many incompetent administrators,”

... and four, the school is in Danbury and is broken up into two campuses that are at opposite ends of the city, with Brookview in-between. I went to WCSU for a few semesters. It was a royal pain in the dick when you'd spend more time on the shuttle than in the class you needed it for.


PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_iu0yp6j wrote

I never found a solid bashing spot that was easy to get to.

If you're into crawling at all, this is an awesome annual event.[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22home%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D


PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_itzzgb7 wrote

> but I do have to smell what the pot smoker is smoking and I can't stand it.

If I hate the smell of BBQ, can I get the town to take out all the community grills in our parks?

If I have sensitive hearing, can we remove the playground equipment to keep screaming children away?

My sister is deathly afraid of dogs and the sight of them makes her nervous. Maybe ban dogs at the park too?

So long as vaping, cigarettes, and cigar smoking is permitted, as well as the consumption of alcohol, there is absolutely no good reason for cannabis to not be allowed as well.