PhilipRobertson t1_je05b2f wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray
Wasn’t this on The Smiths second album ‘Meat is Murder’?
PhilipRobertson t1_jdjjd5j wrote
Reply to The Campaign for Eminent Domain: A Petition for the State of NJ to Acquire Fireman's Golf Course to Expand Liberty State Park by nuncio_populi
If Fireman is as concerned as he’s made suggested about the perils of youth having no where to go, I’m also looking forward to his young golfer’s education and scholarship program at the tragically underused Liberty National pitch and putt course.
PhilipRobertson t1_jb87xj7 wrote
Reply to comment by truebeliever23 in Why is there not a footbridge here? by SirTitsMcGee
Ha, this actually sounds more fun than the ferry and water taxi service that currently runs this route.
PhilipRobertson t1_jb0g1v8 wrote
Reply to Have any of you all lived in Somerset County (Bernardsville specifically) before? by [deleted]
We’ve good friends we visit in Bernardsville fairly often, and are currently looking in the area. Lovely town. Direct train to Hoboken, convenient for great walking and hiking, Shoprite and Gary’s both well stocked. Recommended. Taxes are a little high but they are everywhere it seems.
PhilipRobertson t1_j9gm2r2 wrote
Reply to Just got our lease renewal numbers. For a 12 month lease renewal, our rent will increase over 10%. I don't see how this is sustainable long term. by chazthetic
10% was roughly where we were able to negotiate down to after several years of being “invited” to sign a new lease every year or two in a high rise. Eventually became aware that the high rises were not a home and were merely a number of a form and left. It’s not sustainable long term and probably wasn’t designed that way. Unfortunately. Good luck.
PhilipRobertson t1_je0yqd3 wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray
Ha indeed. Updated, thanks Mike.