PhillyPanda t1_j96c5zd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
“You all”? I don’t remember commenting last night.
PhillyPanda t1_j96bm18 wrote
Reply to comment by AgentDaxis in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
Lock the guy up. Color doesn’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. Socioeconomic status doesn’t matter. Where they’re from doesn’t matter. Still the same answer.
The good thing is this guy was caught. The tragic thing is an officer was killed. It doesn’t fit the acab narrative either but I am sure people who believe that also believe this guy deserves to be in prison. If it was caught on camera like people have said, that makes it much more likely and thats a good thing.
PhillyPanda t1_j965rpa wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
Those instagram comments came in quick
PhillyPanda t1_j8vb85b wrote
I believe somehow this will ruin drinkers and that upsets me.
PhillyPanda t1_j8v6whh wrote
Reply to comment by evv43 in 2 suspects charged with flipping car during Philly Super Bowl block party by toss_it_out_tomorrow
I’d compare this to car theft vs carjacking
PhillyPanda t1_j8v1i4i wrote
Reply to comment by AlVic40117560_ in 2 suspects charged with flipping car during Philly Super Bowl block party by toss_it_out_tomorrow
You’re not usually forcing people to perform labor. It’s usually you choose to perform community service in lieu of a jail sentence. If you don’t fulfill the conditions of your deal, you serve your sentence. If you don’t actively choose community service, you serve a sentence.
PhillyPanda t1_j8uqf3f wrote
Reply to comment by rootoo in 2 suspects charged with flipping car during Philly Super Bowl block party by toss_it_out_tomorrow
Most things posted in publicfreakout have no follow up but everyone thinks it’s funny bc they’re from Florida…
PhillyPanda t1_j8asvmq wrote
Reply to comment by nowtayneicangetinto in The line at Victory Brewing this morning by PettyAndretti
nobody cares….
PhillyPanda t1_j76hrys wrote
Reply to Writing classes/clubs in Philly? by goldfn325
Paging u/simonthecannibal - he started one up
PhillyPanda t1_j705chh wrote
Reply to comment by jakecn93 in Mayoral Candidate Rebecca Rhynhart lays out plan of attack for opioid crisis from Kensington by ColdJay64
It doesn’t say that. It’s talking about police walking the beat and being part of the community and NOT arresting drug dealers.
Very vague though… what kind of city services will the drug dealers tap into to make them leave behind their drug dealing ways?
PhillyPanda t1_j6ovqou wrote
Reply to comment by TreeMac12 in Gym bashes Union League, goes to cocktail party there next week by MagnusUnda
Yeah but it’s a question of when she registered. Their events only go a few months out on the website
PhillyPanda t1_j6oho5l wrote
Reply to comment by TreeMac12 in Gym bashes Union League, goes to cocktail party there next week by MagnusUnda
That seems unlikely given how long ago the DeSantis award was planned. The award was originally planned to be given to him in early October and people were denouncing it back in September.
PhillyPanda t1_j6ngyxl wrote
Reply to What’s the scoop on Big Charlie’s? by doughnutsgoat
It’s friendly and if you want a vibe for the Super Bowl where you’re not out numbered by eagles fans, it’s really going to be the only place to go
PhillyPanda t1_j5y9a96 wrote
Reply to comment by penguinchange in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
I don’t have any issues going from 15/16th to 8th and market. Homeless in the station, but that’s gotten better since the encampments during the pandemic, but not really on the cars themselves
PhillyPanda t1_j5y92lz wrote
Reply to comment by xcharmanda in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
30 days and give a good cause to end the lease
PhillyPanda t1_j5vt2te wrote
Reply to comment by themightychris in How a Philadelphia antiviolence grant improperly funneled $76,000 to city police staffers by PhillyAccount
Part of Rhynharts critique is that they haven’t released any evaluations of programs.
PhillyPanda t1_j5vf38w wrote
Reply to comment by themightychris in How a Philadelphia antiviolence grant improperly funneled $76,000 to city police staffers by PhillyAccount
What is there to learn? Kenney hasnt released any evaluations of existing anti-violence initiatives.
PhillyPanda t1_j5v4yte wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Philadelphia juvenile street gang linked to thefts of nearly 100 firearms from Pennsylvania gun stores by TreeMac12
They’d need to enact the laws first. NJ has a framework for gun store security, PA does not. You’d be under negligence type laws.
PhillyPanda t1_j5efu9x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What is the best spot for a slice of pizza in rittenhouse. No fancy stuff like Vetri, just a straight up slice or two by Waru_
Never seen them do slices. Are slices walk in only?
PhillyPanda t1_j5c1cp4 wrote
Reply to comment by feliciates in What is the best spot for a slice of pizza in rittenhouse. No fancy stuff like Vetri, just a straight up slice or two by Waru_
They sell by the slice now?
PhillyPanda t1_j5bvxyt wrote
Reply to What is the best spot for a slice of pizza in rittenhouse. No fancy stuff like Vetri, just a straight up slice or two by Waru_
Giovanni’s, Randazzos, Tetra, Dolce Carini
Paulie Gee’s for slightly more upscale and a little outside the area
Not a fan of Lazaro’s or Mix but they’re there. Rione and Alice for Roman style.
PhillyPanda t1_j5715xy wrote
Reply to comment by mikebailey in Robbery victim takes knife, stabs suspect: Philly police by K1ngchip
He’ll be fine.
PhillyPanda t1_j52oi2m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good place for a "business friendly" lunch in Fishtown? by jacksonmills
Not open for lunch
PhillyPanda t1_j52oe7r wrote
Reply to comment by JesusOfBeer in Good place for a "business friendly" lunch in Fishtown? by jacksonmills
Pizza shackamaxon is an odd suggestion for a business lunch. There’s limited seating, it’s all outdoors which can be awkward for a longer lunch in winter, there’s no bar so you’d have to byob. Wouldn’t be my pick even though I like their pizza.
PhillyPanda t1_j96d9v1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
I agree, that’s what my post is saying. As a law and order person who believes philly has crime issues, this guy belongs in jail. As an acab guy, you believe this guy belongs in jail.