PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zy1vw wrote
Reply to comment by TinyBurbz in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
That’s the very young-end of the millennial generation. Millennials are as old as 41 right now. The average millennial is in their 30’s. That’s not old, but it’s at the point where people generally start families, build lives, and begin favoring stability over change.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zx1bs wrote
Reply to comment by TinyBurbz in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
No your mom’s pussy is just to cavernous from giving birth to your fat ass. I paid for sex but I went spelunking instead 💀
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zut8b wrote
Reply to comment by FunnyButSad in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
I’m not saying that it’s only progressives doing this, just that it’s also a growing tendency among them. It’s obviously worse among conservatives and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future.
Progressives are beginning to shift more anti-technological progress because of the fact that aging-millennials are a major foundation of the American progressive movement, and the fact that many far-left people have a general sense of cynicism regarding technological advancement because its perpetuated by major corporations, often to fulfill their own corporate interests (this one is justified).
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2ztx05 wrote
Reply to comment by TinyBurbz in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
I am trying to get one from your mom because she can’t perform in bed
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zqkyx wrote
Reply to comment by TinyBurbz in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
I am 25 and have finished my bachelor’s a while ago. Going onto Masters right now.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zo37g wrote
Reply to comment by TinyBurbz in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
I said nothing about homework; just that backlash against emerging technology in favor of antiquated social systems will increasingly become more of a liberal phenomenon.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zdngp wrote
Yet people thought I was silly for predicting that liberals are emerging neo-Luddites.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2zdjjd wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
That will likely look like a resounding success compared to a war on AI
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2uoaku wrote
Reply to Will the AI be able to fart or masturbate? by Snoo68113
This is the quality discussion I frequent this sub for
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fll8l wrote
Reply to comment by SufficientPie in Happy New Year Everyone. It's time to accelerate even more 🤠 by Pro_RazE
I am; but having safe medicines be able to go straight to human trials is still huge
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fex2s wrote
Reply to comment by GlitteringBroccoli12 in Happy New Year Everyone. It's time to accelerate even more 🤠 by Pro_RazE
Well most of them. Utah Arrays for example are more capable of neuron-level micro imaging and deeper brain monitoring. You also have implants for Parkinson’s that are more capable of DBS. Neuralink is a model that uses less energy, which is cool but it isn’t as effective.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fdc06 wrote
Reply to comment by GlitteringBroccoli12 in Happy New Year Everyone. It's time to accelerate even more 🤠 by Pro_RazE
Neuralink is actually pretty inferior to other BCIs already on the market
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fd8sy wrote
Reply to comment by 420BigDawg_ in Happy New Year Everyone. It's time to accelerate even more 🤠 by Pro_RazE
In a sense; medicine can already do a ton to prevent and even reverse balding to an extent. r/tressless has good advice regarding this
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fd0k8 wrote
Reply to comment by pre-DrChad in Happy New Year Everyone. It's time to accelerate even more 🤠 by Pro_RazE
That’s why reforming the FDA needs to be priority #1. The good news is that we just made huge progress regarding the FDA process. It is now a lot easier to skip animal trials and do human trials.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j27mz17 wrote
Reply to what do you a day in life would be like for a regular person in type III civilization? by RGthehuman
That is so far off into the future and hypothetical that it simply isn’t worth hypothesizing about, because we don’t know what either cultural preferences will be like or what technology they would even have access to.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j24kv88 wrote
Reply to comment by Dizzlean in The future? Pfffft. by tubulerz1
He’s just behind the times. The meta is no longer denying radical technological advancement because the past few years have disproven that. Now it’s about how it’s apparently a bad thing.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j235sf4 wrote
Reply to comment by dzhastin in In the future will we have random teens making movies like avatar with text prompts from their bedroom and flood the youtube? by village_aapiser
It’s low effort, but it is also regarding Futurology.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1x24ab wrote
Reply to Is mining in space socially acceptable? by Gari_305
Obviously yes. Almost not even worth asking the question because it’s so obvious
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1tbrfb wrote
I assume that you’re talking about this article. As far as I am aware, it went nowhere. It appears to have only been cited once according to research gate and only to point out the fact that it is speculative.
The issue is that we also can’t really test this. The most massive atom we have created so far is Oganesson with an atomic number of 118. We have gotten nowhere near the 145 required to test this; and such an element likely exceeds the superheavy island of stability.
For 115-118 that we have synthesized; no anti-gravitational properties observed as far as I am aware.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1kn5gf wrote
Reply to comment by Evilbred in Is the Milky Way... Normal? by cciccitrixx
Also; we probably have a bit of a wobble and the galaxy is deep in the Universal sticks
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1c0pw3 wrote
Reply to comment by Gubekochi in Why is this sub so luddite now ? by Shelfrock77
True. And as bad as Reddit is; the anti-technology drivel on every other site is almost way worse
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1bzxgb wrote
Reply to comment by Gubekochi in Why is this sub so luddite now ? by Shelfrock77
100%. Reddit is generally an anti-bellweather for mainstream society, but here they agree with mainstream society. Statistically speaking; most people are anti-technological progress
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j1byepr wrote
Reply to Why is this sub so luddite now ? by Shelfrock77
Because you’re on Reddit, and Reddit seems to be mostly dominated by Luddites.
PhilosophusFuturum t1_j30j6au wrote
Reply to comment by Gotisdabest in NYC Bans Students and Teachers from Using ChatGPT by blueSGL
Yeah I agree with that and have written extensively about it. Everyone draws a line of the amount of technological progress they consider to be acceptable. Conservatives tend to draw that line very early on. As progress is accelerating, we are now crossing the lines drawn by progressive people. My point isn’t about politics, but that we are now beginning to face resistance from people we traditionally haven’t had issues with.