
PhilosophusFuturum t1_iys7rmf wrote

Reply to comment by SgathTriallair in this sub by TinyBurbz

Normally r/transhumanism would absorb the blows from these people, like how Jupiter absorbs the asteroids for Earth.

I personally think people who believe that a Singularity event would be a good thing should not reach out. For every receptive person, there is likely at least 10 others who would actively fight it upon learning about it. This means we could end up creating an active anti-Singularity movement. And what good does bringing new people into the fold do? Progress will continue to accelerate regardless of how many cheerleaders it has


PhilosophusFuturum t1_iuzc14d wrote

Depends on the elite. The ones who work at Silicon Valley will probably try making their own startups that develop and create AGI models, or incorporate this into their own companies. They would do this to get in on the mass profit that this could potentially rake in.

The regular rich elites would be investing a lot of money in the companies who will make AGI and profit off of stock growth.

The congressmen would likely focus on developing their own models and try to block hostile nations like China and Russia from hacking the system. Having an AGI early would lead to ASI early which would be a massive geopolitical advantage.


PhilosophusFuturum t1_iuwxopb wrote

No I just want less red tape. I want less testing but better testing. Basically less road bumps but making sure the road is safer.

To clarify, this probably isn’t ready to replace animal testing yet, if it ever will be. But the fact that the FDA appears to be looking at ways to streamline the ridiculous process is insanely promising.