Phoenix5869 t1_j3qwj2e wrote
Reply to comment by Ghoullum in This biotech startup says mice live longer after genetic reprogramming by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
This would translate to an extra 7.2 years (assuming the average lifespan is 80) if it worked in humans, which is something
Phoenix5869 t1_j34plg7 wrote
We already have gene therapies for numerous genetic disorders, however I'm not sure when the other 2 will happen
Phoenix5869 t1_j2mbdtv wrote
Reply to Why can artificial intelligences currently only learn one type of thing? by ItsTimeToFinishThis
There is an ai that can perform over 600 tasks, most of them at or exceeding human level.
Phoenix5869 t1_j2li3ba wrote
I love the enthusiasm and progress is good, but please try to separate the hype from reality. LEV is not going to happen in the next 20 years like a lot of people here claim. We are decades and decades away from even having treatments for aging, let alone curing it or reaching LEV.
Phoenix5869 t1_j2fsalf wrote
Reply to comment by Phoenix5869 in What are your predictions for 2023? by PMMEYOURPYTHONCODE
RemindMe! 1 year
Phoenix5869 t1_j2fo42y wrote
My predictions for 2023
Russia / Ukraine war ends when Putin is ousted in a military coup. The new president calls off the war and restores ties with the west.
GPT-4 is released and is a significant advancement
advancements will continue to be made in gene editing, fusion, stem cell research, aging research, etc
the Iran protests die down and there is no regime change in Iran
8k TVs, monitors, etc go down in price, as well as OLED, QLED, etc
% of energy from renewable sources globally continues to increase, % from non renewables decreases
lab grown meat becomes more mainstream, products made with lab grown / fermented / cow free milk enter the market, advancements are made in lab grown wood, leather, organs, etc
we will continue to read about ‘breakthroughs’ in various fields, most of which we will never hear about ever again (for various reasons such as the article being hype and / or fabricated, working out initially but failing in further trials / testing, etc) but some will be genuine breakthroughs and will represent an advancement in that field
2023 is warmer on average than 2022
Finland and Sweden join NATO by the end of 2023. There is a coup in Belarus, Lukashenko is ousted, and the new govt. is pro western (as most of the population of Belarus is anti Lukashenko and pro west) and they apply to join NATO
Phoenix5869 t1_j2ax2uf wrote
Reply to comment by danila_medvedev in Liebherr announces worlds first refrigerator that uses a vacuum in conjunction with finely ground and sustainable lava stone, to insulate its appliances. For the very first time, it is possible to produce freezers with the energy efficiency class “A” in accordance with EU while offering 25% space by rosesandtherest
wow shock you get downvoted for stating facts
Phoenix5869 t1_j224lbz wrote
By the time generational ships are a thing we probably would have cured aging and / or developed wormhole generators / warp drives so we wouldnt need the ships.
Phoenix5869 t1_j1yho5s wrote
Reply to LifT Bioscience - Cure for Cancer by Homie4-2-0
I really hope this goes somewhere
Phoenix5869 t1_j1o17vw wrote
That’s funny tbh, implying that Christians Atheists and Muslims hate eachother and a beer has the power to bring them together. Takes a few minutes to get tho
Phoenix5869 t1_j1muslk wrote
Reply to comment by Nerdler17 in 100% Survival – Tiny Swimming Robots Can Treat Life-Threatening Cases of Pneumonia by pigeon888
They've been talking about nanobots since the 2000s and it still hasn't materialized. Same with cancer, diabetes etc. We keep hearing about "miracle cures" and yet nothing seems to come of it.
downvote me all you want but it wont make it any less true :)
Phoenix5869 t1_j1mqlbz wrote
Reply to comment by pigeon888 in 100% Survival – Tiny Swimming Robots Can Treat Life-Threatening Cases of Pneumonia by pigeon888
Claiming to have working reliable nanobots is up there with claiming to have the cure for cancer, paralysis, alzheimers, diabetes etc. Also its in mice which doesn't translate to humans a lot of the time
Phoenix5869 t1_j1hxu9g wrote
Reply to comment by AndromedaAnimated in Hype bubble by fortunum
>I just don’t agree with the „holier than thou“ attitude (anymore). He is not presenting any „facts“ except „I know cause I am a scientist“ and „I believe“ while criticising people for doing the same - and that is BAD social behavior. And bad discussion tactics.
>And also he leaves out all those posts and comments that provide critical discussion and sources.
Yh that is bad discussion tactics, he should be presenting and listening to evidence to support his arguments.
Phoenix5869 t1_j1hv17i wrote
Reply to comment by AndromedaAnimated in Hype bubble by fortunum
OP's view is at least more realistic than what a lot of people in this sub claim (that we are gonna have AGI in 6 years or less, that the singularity is happening by 2045 (i agree we can't know but it's probably not happening by then).). the majority of scientists also agree with him and while I would like to believe that OP is being too pessimistic, he does seem to be more grounded in reality than a lot of people on here.
Phoenix5869 t1_j1hikjc wrote
Reply to Hype bubble by fortunum
before downvoting me, please read the whole post
Im glad someone in this sub is being realistic. We are decades and decades from AGI, curing aging / treatments for aging, stem cell treatments, growing organs etc. And yet this sub wants to believe that we’re gonna have AGI in just over 6 years.
and before I get downvoted, I understand that there has been a lot of progress in ai and other fields this year, and I'm not saying there hasn't been. I also understand where you guys are coming from with the exponential growth argument. however, a lot of if not most scientists say that all these technologies are decades away. I would say people in their 30s will have access to at least some of these in their mid 70s to 80s, and everyone 45 and up will likely die before these technologies come out. I get that you guys don't want to believe or hear that, but I'm simply being realistic. If you believe I'm being too pessimistic and / or have evidence showing these technologies will come out sooner, I would love to hear it.
Phoenix5869 t1_j1fncxx wrote
Reply to When will we reach LEV? by TampaBai
Despite what my flair says I wouldn't be surprised if it takes 50 years
Phoenix5869 t1_j10pcad wrote
Reply to comment by FearlessCloud01 in Pilot plant making gasoline using wind power has just opened in Chile | The Haru Oni plant will scale up from 34,000 gallons to 14.5 million gallons by 2024. by chrisdh79
I see what ur saying
Phoenix5869 t1_j10iky2 wrote
Reply to comment by FearlessCloud01 in Pilot plant making gasoline using wind power has just opened in Chile | The Haru Oni plant will scale up from 34,000 gallons to 14.5 million gallons by 2024. by chrisdh79
But wont this just add more emissions to the atmosphere?
Phoenix5869 t1_j10fg4n wrote
Reply to Pilot plant making gasoline using wind power has just opened in Chile | The Haru Oni plant will scale up from 34,000 gallons to 14.5 million gallons by 2024. by chrisdh79
Is this a good idea? We should be decreasing our emissions…
Phoenix5869 t1_j0yfmg9 wrote
Reply to comment by The-Brit in Molecule that mimics insulin opens new doors for a diabetes pill by rchaudhary
yep theyve been promising cures for all sorts of diseases for the past 15 years
Phoenix5869 t1_j0tr6jt wrote
Reply to Prediction: De-facto Pure AGI is going to be arriving next year. Pessimistically in 3 years. by Ace_Snowlight
“Pessimistically agi in 3 years”? Wtf? Is this sub some sort of cult?
Phoenix5869 t1_j0jy8zp wrote
Reply to What are things a person born today will not experience or do thanks to technological advances by Foundation12a
People born today or even 5 maybe 10 years ago will probably never put gas into a car or drive a gas powered car. In fact i would say teenagers today probably won’t do those things
Phoenix5869 t1_j0fpkfl wrote
Reply to comment by Crash_69 in R/FUTUROLOGY 2023 PREDICTION COMPETITION & pick last year's winner by lughnasadh
>we are truly on the cusp of a new era
I hope so
and yes it will be expensive but even if it costs like $100k a dose at least it exists
Phoenix5869 t1_j0fnd22 wrote
Reply to comment by Crash_69 in R/FUTUROLOGY 2023 PREDICTION COMPETITION & pick last year's winner by lughnasadh
Lab grown meat is already being served in restaurants in Singapore so i based my prediction off of that, however if lab grown meat dosen't explode in 2023 i won't be too surprised. Also there is a huge lab grown meat facility being built in the US. And ur right about the resistence thing a lot of ppl don't like the idea of GMOs / lab grown products and i have a family member that thinks lab grown anything is "disgusting" and "unnatural".
yh i get rly frustrated when i see these "breakthroughs" like "high school student invents x that will transform society" or "scientists cure (insert currently incurable ailment) and it could cost $000000000.1 a dose" that we hear about every few years that is obviously hype and / or fake. I literally once saw an article that said "teenager invents cold fusion reactor for $15" like if that was true it would be global front page news u wouldnt need to go on some random ass website with 6 views to know about it. However there are some genuine breakthroughs such as the breakthrough in fusion that was announced by US scientists a few days ago.
im hoping there will be breakthroughs in stem cell treatments (several of them are in clinical trails but afaik none have been approved or used in hospitals) and lab grown organs (we already know how to lab grow meat so it shouldn't be too hard to use that knowledge to grow organs) also im excited to see how ai develops as it seems to be advancing very quickly
Phoenix5869 t1_j5ww007 wrote
Reply to Self driving cars are a scary thought by chicagotopsail
Flip it around. It saves the lives of, say a group of 11 people, by sacrificing 1.