
PhoenixReborn t1_ix6nhq6 wrote

Atlantis had a total of 33 flights, ranging from 4 days to 12 days. Missions included launching probes and satellites, installing modules on the new ISS, servicing Hubble, and some classified missions for the DoD.

There's another deck below the flight deck with sleeping quarters, the bathroom, and the airlock to the payload area.


PhoenixReborn t1_ix6leal wrote

By dents you mean these two things? Openings for the star trackers to support navigation.

Launches and reentry scorch the surfaces of the craft. Panels didn't get replaced unless they were too damaged.

NASA says Endeavor, a similar shuttle, cost about $1.7 billion. They're priceless now.


PhoenixReborn t1_ix1fdua wrote

Our sun is believed to have formed in an open star cluster that would have long since dissipated. We do know of two stars, HD 162826 and HD 186302, that may be siblings of our sun and born to the same molecular cloud.


PhoenixReborn t1_iufosnr wrote

Clouds of gas (mostly hydrogen) and dust. Gravity pulls the gas molecules together until it becomes hot and massive enough to trigger nuclear fusion and birth a star. These newborn stars jettison radiation which erodes the surrounding nebula, forming the iconic pillars and wispy billowing clouds.