PianistInformal4967 t1_je5mxod wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
If a teachers affair with a parent of a student or another staff member caused complaints to the school and state investigation than absolutely they would be fired and regularly are. Of course I support that. Their personal life interfered with their job and the people they work with or oversee.
Doubly so if it was a position of leadership like A principal or superintendent just like this was not a normal officer- this was the goddamn chief acting like a clown.
Regardless of their political position. Who cares which way they voted? I mean besides you. And I already said I’m not a liberal but you’re too busy defending someone fucking someone else’s wife for some weird reason, but I don’t want to kink shame if that’s your thing and your fetish or something. You didn’t respond what you would do if you found your police chief fucking your wife/fiance so….
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5ji1z wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
Right. So they all experienced consequences.
That’s life Bud; don’t be a snowflake. Once he’s done literally dicking around he’ll be rehired like all cops, if not the same police department then nearby. And he’s being paid to be at home right now as we speak.
What would you like be done if you caught your police chief fucking your wife, I’m just curious to know
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5hqjm wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
I wouldn’t know I am not a liberal I’m a leftist. I didn’t vote for Clinton (either one) and he was impeached by the way. John Edwards also lost his candidacy and was charged as well. Al Franken also resigned.
What does any of this have to do with this police officer being removed as police chief by law enforcement officials themselves? Are you calling his law enforcement superiors woke? His superior is the mayor. That’s the chain of command so I’m very confused. Do you not support our government or law-enforcement set up?
That’s a mighty huge stretch dude
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5g2ib wrote
Reply to comment by George_GeorgeGlass in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
Yes he embarrassed his police department, caught a public complaint and caused state police interference and investigation. No police department wants any of that let alone from its own chief.
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5folr wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
He’s not being renewed because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and fucked a resident who made a complaint to the police department, embarrassing the police department and requiring state police investigation.
There’s consequences. He’s being paid so he’ll have plenty of time to work out his sex life on taxpayers dime while the police department search for somebody without domestic issues interfering in their line of work.
He wasn’t a low level officer, he was CHIEF. There’s codes of conduct required in leadership. He’ll be fine and he’ll have a job again with law-enforcement once he gets his shit together.
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5dfmg wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
You were already provided a link for how to get around pay walls in my previous comment and this is not a pay wall article.
Here you go.
Mayor Jennifer Macksey says 'domestic incident' involving former Police Chief Jason Wood was not the reason Wood was relieved of duty
NORTH ADAMS — Mayor Jennifer Macksey says Police Chief Jason Wood has been relieved of duty and is no longer running the department.
In a statement Saturday, Macksey said she “lost trust and confidence” in Chief Wood’s ability to lead the North Adams Police Department. Wood has been with the force for 20 years, rising through the ranks until he became its chief in 2019.
Wood has been on paid administrative leave since March 8, two days after police were called for a “domestic incident,” involving Wood and a married couple. Wood will continue on paid leave through June and will no longer be on the city’s payroll after that.
“He has been notified that I will not be renewing his contract,” Macksey wrote in her statement.
Wood declined to comment on Saturday.
A paid administrative leave status means one continues to receive a paycheck and performs work from home.
But Macksey’s order on Saturday means Wood has been relieved of duty, though he will continue get paid until his contract expires in June.
Lt. Anthony Beverly was named to lead the department for the time being, while Macksey said she works on long-term plan. In her statement, Macksey said more details about that plan would come at a later date.
In a response to a follow-up question, Macksey indicated to The Eagle that the March 6 domestic incident was not the reason Wood was relieved of duty. She did not elaborate.
Previously, Macksey said the March 6 incident was not a criminal investigation. Today, she confirmed the investigation into that incident was finished.
The Eagle obtained the investigative file and police report from the March 6 incident. Authorities redacted the report, which renders an incomplete look into what happened.
But the report does reveal that a North Adams man called police on March 6 and told them he’d found out something about his wife and Wood and that he believed the chief was coming to his home.
The police report also stated that “Chief Wood said he was aware and that the situation was blown out of proportion, however, it doesn’t look good.” The report indicated Wood told police he had no intention of going to the man’s house.
State Police took the call to avoid a conflict of interest for the North Adams Police Department. State Police reported back to local police that “the call was handled, things were calm and that there was nothing criminal that had taken place.”
The police report called the situation a “domestic incident related to Chief Wood.” Macksey put Wood on paid administrative leave pending the result of an internal investigation.
The investigative file contained emails between Wood and the wife of the man who called police. The emails were exchanged after the March 6 incident.
In a March 11 email, the woman wrote Wood: “This is a mess an absolute mess. I’m sorry that me and you had to end like this.”
The woman told Wood she did not want him to lose his job.
The woman further wrote, “[redacted] was in our personal time not at work. We were best friends ... I’m not going to screw you over now.”
Wood worked for the department for 20 years. He was hired as a patrolman in 2003, was promoted to sergeant in 2014 and was appointed to be an acting lieutenant in 2017. In 2019, Wood became chief.
PianistInformal4967 t1_je4vy37 wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
Found one without a pay wall. You failed to mention that police had to respond to his house two days ago for a domestic incident. He’s also on paid leave. So he was found incapable of fulfilling his duties while dealing with personal issues and simply won’t be having his contract for employment as chief renewed. That’s accountability and responsibility. And he’s being paid.
PianistInformal4967 t1_je4s71k wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
Put the link to the pay wall article through this and you can read it https://12ft.io/
PianistInformal4967 t1_je4qmob wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
Question in case you know because the article doesn’t say: Was he (breaking the law) committing adultery at the workplace or during work hours (On the Public’s dime)?
That would make the most sense for why he was relieved from duty.
PianistInformal4967 t1_jdh1hvp wrote
Reply to comment by Easy_Pizza_7771 in Vermont state colleges failing again by aMaezingadventures
It seems the insiders don’t know what to do either if it’s failing…
PianistInformal4967 t1_jd7b7on wrote
When I first moved to the state, I bought local history books from the general store tourist stops and I wasn’t disappointed. Some really crazy history! I recommend browsing those.
One history I learned that might be of interest to you is that Boston thanksgiving celebrations have always been dependent on Vermont farmers’ turkeys- and that meant literally walking to Boston with flocks of turkeys. It would take Vermont farmers 2 weeks to a month, and they would lose some along the way, or trade some as they went, or collected more. They would sleep rough; there were no fridge tractor trailers back then or people couldn’t afford the earlier cruder options, and flocks were too big to put on horse cart. Boggles the mind that they would walk all the way there!
I don’t know maybe that could be a side quest or something ;)
PianistInformal4967 t1_j9t5l9j wrote
Reply to Landlords and political signs? by [deleted]
I really wish we could give up the old term landlords and call them land hoarders.
Edit: look at the down votes defending English feudalism in New England lol
You’re right- hoarders is too vague; Parasites is far more accurate
PianistInformal4967 t1_j8syejy wrote
Reply to comment by Empty-Yam-1984 in But Rama, why are you trying to slice and dice Vermont by political affilia ... oh, it's not you. Huh. by RamaSchneider
The irony here is that they are doing more damage and turning people off to their political ideology than the Republicans ever could. This smug insufferable talking-at-you-not-with-you is the epitome and they don’t see it
PianistInformal4967 t1_j511j75 wrote
Reply to comment by ashsloth in Looking for a builder local to Lowell or surrounding area. by ashsloth
I lived in that town and you’re really going to have to know somebody. Going to have to spend some time in the area and get in that way with someone who might have time on their schedule next year.
PianistInformal4967 t1_iy33pjn wrote
Reply to comment by EscapedAlcatraz in I need a place to live. by travelingtutor
You spelled “hoarders” wrong.
PianistInformal4967 t1_je5pv98 wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in North Adams Chief of Police relieved of duty by Hoosac_Love
I think you really gotta look at it from the position of the guy who filed complaints finding the police chief at his house. It’s bad enough to deal with an affair; imagine finding out it’s someone in a position of extreme power in your town? What if it was a Democrat mayor? I think if it was a regular police officer they might’ve been able to let it go quietly but you can’t hide this one if it’s a town police chief. That’s a hell of a person to find your wife with and I’m not a man but I imagine it would make me nervous. It doesn’t look like he’s even fighting it either- sounds like he’s embarrassed and so is the woman. I don’t know if you’re friends with him or not but it’s pretty embarrassing I imagine for him so maybe this isn’t your hill to die on. If you’re trying to embarrass him by bringing attention to it than that is succeeding. I’d be willing to bet that he wants this to disappear and to quietly work somewhere else once his pay is finished.