
PicardTangoAlpha t1_iu4dqsz wrote

Why does my non-support bother you so much it threatens your "sanity"?

"Distributed production is a good thing".....omg.....it's the opposite of efficiency. Why am I arguing with a twenty-something...

Europe has jumped with both feet into wind and solar, they've spent trillions. Yet they're in an energy crisis. I thought these technologies were better. You said they are. So Britain shouldn't be paying what they are paying for electricity.

Unless it's all a giant fucking scam and a lie. Which I think it is.


PicardTangoAlpha t1_iu0pmw3 wrote

>wind and solar is vastly superior to nuclear.

Doubtful, and the hubristic language doesn't help. Solar panels decay, lose capacity every year. 3%? 5? In 20-25 years, they're useless and have to be replaced.

One wind turbine costs a million Euros and has hundreds of pounds of rare earth metals. Someone has to mine that. So far, the west has downloaded that environmental damage on to China, who has sacrificed their rivers to make sales to us.

Yes I know, downvote. Downvote your bitter little hearts because reality does not conform to your expectations.
