
PiningForTheFnords t1_iv6cm4f wrote

I don’t know if you’re looking for things like abandoned structures way out in the middle of the woods, but if you are both Iron Goat trail and Monte Cristo might do the job. Both are within an hours drive of Seattle, and both are mild enough hikes to make carrying camera gear possible. You can find pictures of both on


PiningForTheFnords OP t1_itso5ow wrote

It was still packed even when I got there around 2:00 PM, and with the worst kind of people - I’ve never in my life seen so many off leash dogs, not to mention the dog poop bags and toilet paper lying right in the middle of the trail.

With all the gorgeous scenery in WA I thought people here wouldn’t be so trashy, but apparently I was wrong. I definitely wouldn’t do this one on a busy weekend again.


PiningForTheFnords t1_irbljgr wrote

> Prius

Better torn to shreds on poorly maintained forest roads instead of in its natural habitat: camping in the left lane of I5 going 20 mph below the limit.

Unless they’ve fixed it up since early summer, the road to the Goat Lake trailhead was also very bad with bits of broken car parts littering the ditches.


PiningForTheFnords OP t1_iqpd1ea wrote

Thanks! There was some haze but no really significant amount of smoke, and it didn’t stink or anything. All in all a great hike, and the crowds were gone by the time I made it above the glacier viewing area; I don’t think I saw more than four or five people after that.

Skyline is definitely going to be a return trip for me.