You can’t escape context. It’s become popular in western society to self-reflect while attempting to remove oneself from any contextual reality. As in, “Who am I if I’m suspended in a vacuum free of the bounds of history, evolution, time and space?” In my opinion it’s an ego issue wherein people are not willing to accept that there are real things they cannot control about themselves or the context they exist in.
PizzerJustMetHer t1_j3wh9p2 wrote
Reply to Philosophy has never been the detached pursuit of truth. It’s always been deeply invested in its own cultural perspective. by IAI_Admin
You can’t escape context. It’s become popular in western society to self-reflect while attempting to remove oneself from any contextual reality. As in, “Who am I if I’m suspended in a vacuum free of the bounds of history, evolution, time and space?” In my opinion it’s an ego issue wherein people are not willing to accept that there are real things they cannot control about themselves or the context they exist in.