Po0rYorick t1_jb5lrgs wrote
Reply to comment by fab-lollies in I guess "ugliest" depends on the weather. Looks pretty handsome rn. by oozforashag
I think the received knowledge is that it’s horrible and so many people never stop to question that opinion. But a good photo can make you stop and see the building again with fresh eyes.
It’s really quite a fantastic building that won all kinds of design awards. Check out this article for some more good shots.
Po0rYorick t1_jb5jqkw wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in I guess "ugliest" depends on the weather. Looks pretty handsome rn. by oozforashag
Po0rYorick t1_jadxzql wrote
Reply to comment by MarcoVinicius in Fox 7 is measuring snowfall in Dunk's Cup by tilehinge
Whats the conversion between Dunks cups and nips bottles?
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9ymo77 wrote
Reply to comment by big_top_hat in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
Good tip. My brother loves his White’s.
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9ymj7t wrote
Reply to comment by Junior_Ad2955 in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
This looks promising
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9ylpdw wrote
Reply to comment by ragnorian77 in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
Thanks, not familiar with Thorogood. I’ll take a look
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9yldyo wrote
Reply to comment by big_top_hat in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
Thanks, I’ll look at Danner and Nicks. I only saw steel toes from White’s.
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9x9hvl wrote
Reply to comment by gulielmusdeinsula in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9x9g32 wrote
Reply to comment by bloodsoed in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
My brother swears by Whites but I only see steel toes, not composite. I’ll check the other two out.
Po0rYorick OP t1_j9x91f4 wrote
Reply to comment by big_top_hat in Looking for work boots by Po0rYorick
The Timberland/Wolverine/Avenger tier that I’ve found so far is $150-200. I’d happily spend $350 for full grain leather and Goodyear welts.
Po0rYorick t1_j93jiq7 wrote
Reply to comment by Sparky81 in eli5 what is gaslighting? by beep_boop_3324
No it isn’t. You’re just imagining things.
Po0rYorick t1_j8xlmth wrote
Is this a paid Campbells post?
Po0rYorick t1_iu1f0ae wrote
Reply to comment by wolfiewu in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Absolutely. Looks like they are spacing the bolla…er… dildos at 20’ on center which is the same size as a typical parking space so people just use them as parallel parking spaces.
Po0rYorick t1_jc20do4 wrote
Reply to Should they dedicate a lane in the Ted Williams to public transit? by djohnstonb
If transit riders account for at least half of the total bodies using the tunnel, they should get half the real estate.