PolarBearSequence t1_j6a4syf wrote
Reply to Friends, I’m so happy right now by pavoid
Nice kitchen counter you have there!
PolarBearSequence t1_j6810cm wrote
Reply to [identification] What are these headphones? by KaiSsa01
Sennheiser HD 4.40BT or HD 4.50BT, used in wired mode. I’d advise against them, they have small cups and headbands and are uncomfortable for average-sized heads.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5zgut7 wrote
Reply to Cabled headphone portability. by Cubing_Burger
Regarding a shorter cable:
The connector on the HD560S is a locking 2.5mm connector, so not any cable is going to work. The easiest way to get one is probably by buying the HD5X8/HD5X9 cable from Sennheiser (1.2m long and 3.5mm terminated). While it is designed for other 500 series headphones, it works perfectly well for the 560S too (no idea why Sennheiser doesn’t mention that anywhere). Alternatively look for a third party cable.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5zfuy6 wrote
Reply to comment by t-visADL in Headphone cups sound different than one another? Bad QC / fit? by t-visADL
Damn. I hope you can figure something out.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5z5eln wrote
Reply to comment by t-visADL in Headphone cups sound different than one another? Bad QC / fit? by t-visADL
Be happy that your ears aren’t the problem, that would be worse. Are you still within the return period?
If it’s the fit, there’s not much you can do… maybe try pad rolling, but that might be throwing good money after bad.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5yyhyg wrote
Reply to comment by t-visADL in Headphone cups sound different than one another? Bad QC / fit? by t-visADL
Do you have any other earphones for comparison, just to make sure your ears aren’t causing the problem? Hopefully it’s the headphone.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5yx0ce wrote
Have you tried wearing them the wrong way around to see if really depends on the headphone?
PolarBearSequence t1_j5yppif wrote
Reply to comment by Pe-PeSchlaper in Tell me you know nothing about headphone specifications without telling me you know nothing about headphone specifications by LifeOnMarsden
Secret Raycon collaboration
PolarBearSequence t1_j5uidi1 wrote
Reply to HD 650 ruined me by GLikesSteak
Love the 650 as well, it was my first really good headphone and it’s still the one I’d never consider selling. It may have some downsides, but it just sounds so extremely good for a lot of music… one of the most tonally pleasant headphones ever.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5t5w32 wrote
Reply to comment by KentakoongMusic in What do you think of this combo? by KentakoongMusic
Yeah, it’s pretty hard to get. I’ve bought them twice (once as a gift) and had to wait a few weeks for stock the second time. Still worth it imo.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5t5rsr wrote
Reply to Soundcore Q45 , Momentum 3 , HD560s in one week. Finding IEM equivalent to HD560s for gym by ducky92fr
The Dunu Titan S has some similarities (neutral-bright as well), though there is a bit more bass. The Truthear Hexa is also an option (with less bass, but also a bit less bright).
PolarBearSequence t1_j5t5kse wrote
Reply to What do you think of this combo? by KentakoongMusic
If it doesn’t cost you significantly more, I’d advise to get the Qudelix 5k instead, since it’s the much better device (when it comes to features and software support).
PolarBearSequence t1_j5pccej wrote
Reply to comment by TheFrator in What do you do while listening to music? by _Deh
It depends on what I’m doing and what kind of music a bit, and I listen at relatively low volumes. Sometimes it gets distracting and I have to turn it off, but sometimes it’s quite helpful when waiting for something (a build to finish, Tests to run, whatever) since the music stops me from starting to do something else.
PolarBearSequence t1_j5oqbst wrote
Reply to What do you do while listening to music? by _Deh
I usually listen to music while I’m working (software development), but also often when I’m reading (in the evenings).
PolarBearSequence t1_j5b4dq4 wrote
Reply to Are wired headphones dead? by giant3
I’ve got TWS for commuting as well (because of the ANC), but I almost never use them at home.
In general, there are advantages to wired headphones, even ignoring their professional use: low latency, compatibility with all kinds of devices, and especially sustainability. TWS last maybe 5 years in the best cases before the battery dies (and often cannot be swapped) or software support runs out. A good pair of over ears can last decades.
PolarBearSequence t1_j4zljbg wrote
Reply to comment by syahniel in OK, where do I post if I want help with APO? by syahniel
Yeah, post your question as a comment there.
PolarBearSequence t1_j4zkzzj wrote
Reply to OK, where do I post if I want help with APO? by syahniel
Literally four posts below you and pinned is the technical help thread.
PolarBearSequence t1_j2fi3u6 wrote
Reply to Used Headphones. Do you replace components, even if everything is in fair condition?🏷️ by pavoid
I usually swap pads at least, if possible. But most used headphones that I’ve bought were vintage and needed repairs or replacement parts anyways.
PolarBearSequence t1_j2a7tcn wrote
Reply to comment by Thuraash in Basic bitches unite! by Warlord_Wiggles
Yeah, I’ll definitely have to try them out before. It’s too much money to buy them based on looks alone, and I’d want to try through different sets to see which one fits me best. Maybe I’ll make the journey to try them out next year.
PolarBearSequence t1_j2a4l0h wrote
Reply to comment by Thuraash in Basic bitches unite! by Warlord_Wiggles
To be fair, I did not upgrade, but instead side-grade (and bought some novelty headphones and vintage stuff for the fun of it). And that timbre/natural sound aspect is exactly why I’m never selling them. I’ve only heard one headphone in my (rather limited) experience that sounded better in that regard than the 650/6XX (or the 600 as well).
Well, and ZMF… they’re absolutely gorgeous, and if I ever get to try them, my wallet will be crying too.
PolarBearSequence t1_j2a3f54 wrote
Reply to comment by Thuraash in Basic bitches unite! by Warlord_Wiggles
Years? Damn, I got the itch after about six months…
Still, my HD 650 is the one headphone that I’d never sell.
PolarBearSequence t1_j28h9n3 wrote
I don’t really have a system. I just switch when I feel like it, and sometimes I’ll listen to music that works well with the headphones.
PolarBearSequence t1_j1vemke wrote
Reply to First headphone purchase? by natwest96
Both are great headphones, and great choices. I own a DT1990 and I like it (not the least for its excellent build quality and comfort), but the sound really can be too piercing on a lot of music (even though it is extremely impressive for others). I’d advise for the HD600. It is literally the audiophile headphone.
PolarBearSequence t1_j1nv84a wrote
Reply to Just received my HD 560s from Amazon and they came with a 2.5mm to 3.5mm cable. I thought they come with 2.5mm to 4.4mm cables? by owoflux
Surprising. I bought one about two months ago (as a gift), and they came with the long 6.35 terminated cable and an adapter cable to 3.5.
PolarBearSequence t1_j6a5e75 wrote
Reply to comment by BehindThyCamel in [identification] What are these headphones? by KaiSsa01
Yeah, the sound is pretty ok for the price. But the pads are still weird, even if they’d be on-ear. The HD 25 has proper on-ear pads, but the 4.40/4.50 ones are much more uncomfortable to me. But comfort is very subjective I guess.