PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1uvoup wrote
Reply to comment by Q8DD33C7J8 in Nerve block (an injection around a major sensory nerve for the shoulder) is an effective treatment for painful shoulder condition by giuliomagnifico
Depends how bad it is. Nerve blockers give me about 40 minutes to two hours of relief. Not exactly worth the cost and expense.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1s4vyf wrote
Reply to comment by MaximilianKohler in Gut microbiota of the young ameliorates physical fitness of the aged in mice (Dec 2022) "young-derived gut microbiota rejuvenates the physical fitness of the aged by altering the microbial composition of the gut and gene expression in muscle and skin" by MaximilianKohler
Baby poop, though? Where do you find it?
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1rx4o3 wrote
Reply to comment by pk10534 in Breaking lease by Iroshima
If the landlord rents the room directly to her they have a responsibility to make sure other tenants keep public spaces livable and clean.
If the other roommates want to be gross, landlord needs to kick them out or allow OP’s friend to move out. That’s part of the duty and risk of renting individual rooms out
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1plaah wrote
Reply to comment by seriousofficialname in Logged forest compared with an unlogged forest could be better for climate change. A detailed assessment of vegetation growth, bird and mammal numbers, and energy flows in logged and unlogged forests offers some surprising findings. by Creative_soja
It looks like most of the unlogged forest is at much higher elevations, too, which would naturally affect biodiversity
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1nzacl wrote
Reply to comment by HPmoni in TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
Lmao. Most people used to walk barefoot. Walking barefoot is comfortable for super long distances if you do it regularly. Maybe not on concrete, but that wasn’t a problem for most of human history
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1nn5ix wrote
Reply to comment by Ineedavodka2019 in Childhood body mass index is unlikely to have a big impact on children's mood or behavioural disorders by giuliomagnifico
Health is affected far before obesity.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1nn2d4 wrote
Reply to comment by sooprvylyn in Childhood body mass index is unlikely to have a big impact on children's mood or behavioural disorders by giuliomagnifico
The parents of morbidly obese children belong in prison for child abuse.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1nmyb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Prudent_Cat_7651 in Childhood body mass index is unlikely to have a big impact on children's mood or behavioural disorders by giuliomagnifico
Yeah. Even if there aren’t direct health effects of being morbidly obese (unlikely), the social and mood effects of not being able to participate in common childhood activities (like sports, or just regular play) seems like it would have a huge effect
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1nb3pw wrote
Reply to comment by AbbreviationsWide331 in TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
Do you think everyone was rich enough to ride a horse constantly?
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1m5b4q wrote
Reply to comment by OldMork in TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
Trust me, you can’t. I average over 20k steps when it’s nice out. I’ve done 20 miles. It’s quite a bit of you haven’t worked up to it.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1m50fk wrote
Reply to comment by totoropoko in TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
Everyone used to walk. That’s just how people got around
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j1ajr0k wrote
Reply to comment by BigBobFro in the rain we are getting now by ChemicalElevator1380
Yeah. 90s md always got a few snow days a year, and sometimes many. Snow could also come as early as October and as late as April.
And every few years was a big blizzard, which was fun in its way.
When was our last blizzard? 2016? Almost 7 years ago?
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0zvkf2 wrote
Reply to What happened to Brewer's Art? by Opposite_Selection_3
I’m with you. Last couple times I popped in the service was mediocre, crowd was minimal, and food was incredibly disappointing. 15 years ago it was one of my favorite spots in the city, and 5 years ago it was still great and had amazing food.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0zqemi wrote
Reply to comment by ravens2131 in Is it just me or is Baltimore a bad city for late night food? by word_vomiter
Yep. Dives do last call at 1:15 and lock their doors with curtains closed any 1:45, and any regulars they like can stay later
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0n2jci wrote
Reply to comment by draeath in Even a single bout of exercise can produce anti-cancer proteins called myokines, which can significantly suppress tumour growth by giuliomagnifico
How elevated were levels?
Exercising once probably doesn’t help a ton, but if you exercise twice a day or more for decades, it seems like it could be a massive benefit.
And the elevated levels might be prolonged in those who exercise regularly, just like a lot of things are improved only slightly by one bout of exercise but vastly improved by years of regular exercise
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0mvbhx wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
No, I want bike lanes everywhere. Hell, I want plenty of streets closed to cars.
But regardless of everything else, sidewalks have to be safe for pedestrians.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0mne5h wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
No, the cause is scooters thinking their convenience trumps the safety of pedestrians.
You’re the one trying to solve the problem by prioritizing improperly. If scooters don’t feel safe on the road, they can walk on the sidewalk. That’s a perfectly valid choice they have.
Making pedestrians unsafe isn’t an option.
I’d rather scooters be banned completely than ridden on sidewalks. They are dangerous to pedestrians and drivers.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0m99d8 wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
I think DOT has a good potential solution, if you look at the video they linked. GPS that detects sidewalk vs street walking, notifies the rider and nearby pedestrians audibly, and I didn’t see this but hopefully shuts them down if continually ridden on sidewalks.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0m6xzt wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Riders feeling safe is not an excuse to make pedestrians unsafe. Yes, improved infrastructure would help this, but even with that there would be dickheads who want to ride on sidewalks. I've seen people ride down thames st in front of the restaurants, as if that is safe or necessary when the promenade is on the other side of the street.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0ixzw0 wrote
Reply to comment by mzm316 in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Yeah. Ive been going 30mph towards a green light and had them fly through a crosswalk past parked cars and had to slam my brakes. It’s like they think that they’re in a car and have some protection and wont be immediately dead or permanently disabled
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0ikcda wrote
Reply to comment by XanderCruse in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
More infrastructure would be nice, but first it needs to be made very clear that riding on the sidewalk endangers pedestrians and is strictly not allowed.
If the sidewalk is the only safe option, they need to get off and walk with the scooter. It is not their right to endanger pedestrians for their convenience.
bmoreDOT replied to me with a link to a video on their new initiative which seems to address this.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0idw9y wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Holy shit, really? That’s awesome. Thanks!
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0ido1x wrote
Reply to comment by EfficiencySuch6361 in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Yep. Sidewalks are supposed to be a safe place for pedestrians. Literally their purpose.
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0iafah wrote
Reply to comment by DisentangledElm in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
Off the roads? To go where? On sidewalks with pedestrians? Fuck that.
They’re motorized, wheeled vehicles. They should never be on sidewalks
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j20lu4h wrote
Reply to comment by TootlesFTW in TIL that Persian limes, the fruit that most Americans and Europeans know as simply “limes” are actually a hybrid of lemons and real limes, what we call “Key limes” today by evclides
Yeah. Key limes would not be right for drinks, especially without adjusting recipes.
Great in pies tho. There’s a reason it’s key lime pie, not just lime pie