
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j6kd6ew wrote

This seems like super insufficient warning, notification, and time for dispute.

Also, can anyone else exactly what they’re closing? Cause that pic is super unclear. And both alleys connected to Hakesley Place are drivable (unless changed in the past few years)

Is it that vague blur at the top of the map? Why is the map centered on Hakesley Place?

If it’s already undrivable, what are they doing to close it off? What’s the point of putting money into closing it off if vehicles already don’t fit?


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j62bhy7 wrote

Parking is super dependent on where you are. It's also so, so much worse during december because every asshat in the state has to see the miracle on 34th st lights. I've had to park by Artifact coffee to get to a friend's house on Hickory during that season. That's like half a mile away, and like a mile from 34th st. It's insane.

But a lot of spots it's basically guaranteed parking in front of your house.