PotterAndPitties t1_j202hnk wrote
Reply to comment by notoriousbpg in Listen all y'all, it's a... sabatoge? by notoriousbpg
She might be an idiot, but she's a sparkly idiot.
PotterAndPitties t1_j15dvmu wrote
Reply to comment by MightySphincter in Am I the only person who thinks the Harry Potter books are unremarkable? by WartimeHotTot
Condescending much?
The nerve.
PotterAndPitties t1_j1591d9 wrote
The books are brilliant works of literature. Sorry you are unable to enjoy their beauty.
PotterAndPitties t1_j0xaehh wrote
Reply to Feral Scott Adams by touchingonmagic
Dude has lost his marbles.
PotterAndPitties t1_j0u0jeq wrote
Reply to Twilight could've been so much better. by mushroomgoth
I was dating a woman at the time who bought me all the books and insisted I read them.
The idea is solid. There are even a few interesting scenes. But the love story and everything else is just so vapid. I still don't know why they fell in love besides her finding him good looking and her smelling good to him.
In the hands of a better writer....
PotterAndPitties t1_iye8jzu wrote
The Director Christof makes a big speech at the end calling himself "the creator". Truman was a baby adopted by the studio.
PotterAndPitties t1_iydtxze wrote
Reply to Why does Mads Mikkelsen only play villians? by [deleted]
Wasn't he Galen Erso in Rogue One?
PotterAndPitties t1_iydjdop wrote
Reply to My favorite movie is Sgusmpss. by Sapphire580
Damn I thought you had a stroke while typing the title
PotterAndPitties t1_iyddai2 wrote
Yeah what theory
PotterAndPitties t1_iyd2yab wrote
Reply to Curious, why is Letitia Wright not getting the kind of fame Zendaya is getting? by baryflawless
One has espoused insane views. The other hasn't.
PotterAndPitties t1_iyci508 wrote
PotterAndPitties t1_iy5jjfi wrote
Reply to Real vs. Digital by altregogh
Nothing beats a real book.
But, life gets in the way.
I am almost all digital now. Having dogs and cats means bookshelves are not safe havens in my home.
I quite enjoy digital. I can carry unlimited books at all times. I can adjust the page to how I want it. I can quickly locate information and passages. And I can immediately buy or check out a new one.
PotterAndPitties t1_iy58h9f wrote
Reply to Audiobook Lengths vs Visual Reading by AeAeR
The great thing about audiobooks is they let me finish books I would never have time to read otherwise.
PotterAndPitties t1_ixynkgo wrote
Reply to Leonardo sold out? by spam99
Don't judge, pizza is expensive these days.
PotterAndPitties t1_ixuc5kx wrote
Reply to Found the invisible force field the husbands/boyfriends cannot cross at my local Lululemon.. by zimzumpogotwig
PotterAndPitties t1_ixqiwsh wrote
Reply to Bridge to Terabithia review. by [deleted]
This book is so beautiful. Its sad, one of the few books that made me cry.
It makes me sad that some would avoid this book because of what happens. Its part of life and I think it makes stronger to read stories like this that affirm life and how our impact lasts even beyond our lifetimes.
PotterAndPitties t1_ixmt09t wrote
Reply to My wonderful pizza by jeff_likes_bread_120
Calm down Papa John
PotterAndPitties t1_ixlv0e2 wrote
Reply to judge budged when threat emerged by AverageDisastrous455
A real man would have caught it.
PotterAndPitties t1_iwroxit wrote
"Look through my peep hole one more time... and I'll cut your ear off!"
PotterAndPitties t1_iwqo2mt wrote
She isn't wrong...
PotterAndPitties t1_itn9kg2 wrote
Having never read it, is the author truly using it to do this or as a cautionary tale?
PotterAndPitties t1_it20rm4 wrote
Wee little monster
PotterAndPitties t1_j2064p3 wrote
Reply to comment by notoriousbpg in Listen all y'all, it's a... sabatoge? by notoriousbpg
Right, these Fox Newsers claim to be advocating for good things while being horrible about so many other things.