PowPowPowerCrystal t1_jdkwawq wrote
Reply to comment by AlexTheTolerable in Shake Shack is coming to NH! by AlexTheTolerable
So basically 5 Guys?
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_jdkv15n wrote
Reply to Shake Shack is coming to NH! by AlexTheTolerable
Isn’t this just mid-west highway rest stop trash?
Edit: I’m thinking of Steak N Shake. What is this and why is it better than a local ice cream shop?
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_jd5evto wrote
Reply to comment by oldfashioned69 in In honor of ice cream places opening soon do you call them “Jimmies” or “Sprinkles”? by IamMikey1
That’s a really poorly written article.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j9d6qmg wrote
Reply to Gift for 10 year old by humbleaustin22
The Wal Mart there has one heck of a pole
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j66ll9w wrote
Reply to comment by xwalk in 2 arrested after 5 children found to be living in filthy Manchester home by Chappy_Sinclair_
With high density populations you see more terrible things happen simply because there are more people. Things like this happen in all towns, everywhere, but a place with 5k people might see this happen with years between occurrences. A place with 120k will see this happen multiple times a year. Lots to criticize Manchester for, but this isn’t the city’s fault. If you read the article city employees discovered the issue. The very fact of being in Manchester brought this to a quicker ending than if this was a more rural environment where no one would have reason to be within earshot of the kids on a multi-acre property set 100 feet back from the road.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j5x2van wrote
Reply to comment by phineasjwhooppee in Best cocktails in Portsmouth? by jepppej
Why would hipsters somewhere bother anyone? Also it’s 2023, hipsters aren’t a thing anymore.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j3dg9nm wrote
Reply to comment by NeitherAsk1441 in Does NH cover transgender HRT treatment for people on SSI/medicaid? by NeitherAsk1441
Yeah the dudes who live in the woods on the edge of my town are real concerned with looking cool. That’s a bad take.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j34heb0 wrote
Reply to Pumpelly Cave. IYKYK! by Wtfisgoinonhere
That’s where Franklin Pierce was born, duh.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j2nclwc wrote
Reply to Sad start to the year. by valleyman02
Started reading the comments, am dumber. Boy it must be fun to construct a narrative with no facts.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j294hys wrote
Reply to comment by lendluke in When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
Why would someone who needs help not deserve it? This is a pretty dire need.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j1zcuo1 wrote
Reply to comment by littleirishmaid in When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
Cool, now it’s your turn to say that maybe it’s just a little gross for people to so deeply need to know that they are morally superior to an addicted and mentally ill homeless person.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j1zc1pr wrote
Reply to comment by littleirishmaid in When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
Yeah I kind figured the pile-ons in the comments were enough. It’s bad to leave a baby in a tent to potentially die. Is that good for you?
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j1zbnzi wrote
Reply to comment by littleirishmaid in When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
She’s clearly not well and needs help. You can acknowledge that while also condemning her and holding her responsible for her actions.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j1xk49l wrote
Reply to comment by littleirishmaid in When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
I feel bad for the baby and the homeless woman.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j1xd1tv wrote
Reply to When another detective asked Eckersley why she left the baby, she said, “What do they tell you when a plane goes down? Save yourself first,” the affidavit stated. After that, “Eckersley told (the) detective to ‘fuck herself’ and that she was done talking.” by Dependent_Season_669
The story is awful but the poverty-porn media coverage and promotion here makes me extra sad.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_iyakxa0 wrote
Reply to Need help with fried chicken by DOCoSPADEo
Since you’re close to Dover you could try Jook, its what the Sassy Biscuit does on weekends
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_ixe8an7 wrote
Reply to Where to buy new, solid wood furniture? by -Outis-Nemo-
If you’re looking to commission furniture and understand what that costs, this guy might be right for you: https://owainharris.com/work/
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_iw2qlt8 wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in Child care centers worry about background check changes by smartest_kobold
Oh shit no one tried that yet
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_ivw4mdz wrote
Reply to I believe NH is waiting to legalize marijuana to sell it like it does with Liquor. I know other people believe this to, so I wanted to ask what others think of this? by JCquitt
A bill for exactly that came up this year. I can’t recall if it died in committee or the full house.
PowPowPowerCrystal t1_jdkxq2a wrote
Reply to comment by lifedeathlifedeath in Is there any notable Art Deco or Mid Centry Architecture in NH? by batmansmotorcycle
This hillbilly has never been to the new Rochester Market Basket.