Prax150 t1_j8jqzbt wrote
Reply to comment by FoggyBottom4u in Report: NBC Is Preparing To Win Back The NBA by bluenowait
Corporations like to make money?
Prax150 t1_j8jqs02 wrote
Reply to comment by bravetailor in Report: NBC Is Preparing To Win Back The NBA by bluenowait
Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-basketball gimme gimme gimme the ball because I'm gonna... DUNK IT!
Prax150 t1_j6p4kuj wrote
Reply to comment by Yellow-Eyed-Demon in The Last of Us and The Haunting of Bly Manor Find Queer Normalcy in the Face of Imminent Doom by Kryptoniian
Unfortunately I think you're giving the western world a little too much credit too.
Prax150 t1_j6o63un wrote
Reply to comment by ArsBrevis in DC TV Slate Unveiled: Creature Commandos, Waller, Lanterns, Paradise Lost, and Booster Gold Shows Announced by MarvelsGrantMan136
I'm open minded but I get it. Both seem pretty derivative on the surface and you have to wonder if they'll actually be comic book shows. Or will they just have a light DC skin on them. Is Waller going to be its own thing or a Jack Ryan style thriller with a DC character? And they've done the DC Game of Thrones already, it was called Krypton and it wasn't very good. I trust Gunn enough to give him the benefit of the doubt though.
Prax150 t1_j6ne32b wrote
Reply to comment by knightlife in ‘Poker Face’ is an absolute gem of a show. Would be blowing up if it was on a larger streaming service by mattyhegs826
You said it's crazy that people are considering this show "fresh" and I explained to you why that my be the case for a lot of people who wouldn't be aware of Columbo or even the "characters welcome" stuff from 10-15 years ago.
Prax150 t1_j6n7qbw wrote
Reply to comment by knightlife in ‘Poker Face’ is an absolute gem of a show. Would be blowing up if it was on a larger streaming service by mattyhegs826
There hasn't really been a show like this in a long time and Columbo isn't on a major streaming service I don't think, so I don't blame anyone for thinking it's different.
Prax150 t1_j6n76tz wrote
Reply to comment by v_a_n_d_e_l_a_y in ‘Poker Face’ is an absolute gem of a show. Would be blowing up if it was on a larger streaming service by mattyhegs826
It's on CityTV+ (there's a month trial through Prime Video).
Prax150 t1_j6n6xak wrote
Reply to comment by berlinbaer in ‘Poker Face’ is an absolute gem of a show. Would be blowing up if it was on a larger streaming service by mattyhegs826
"clever" doesn't necessarily need to mean that the show has twists. Also that sounds like a weird way to watch a show, twists often don't make for a good story. Quite frankly rejecting that very notion is what makes the show clever to me
Prax150 t1_j6j9ark wrote
Reply to comment by WeDriftEternal in CNN To Show Bill Maher’s ‘Overtime’ Segments As Part Of Friday Night by ceaguila84
> He’s not getting great guests either.
I think this was my biggest problem when I finally gave up on the show. I agree with everything else you're saying and the worst of his opinions were certainly exacerbated by isolation everyone went through. But the appeal of the show for me was always the quality and variety in the guests. I obviously didn't always agree but on most issues it truly felt like the show had diversity of thought and that whether it was Bill or a panel guest there was a good element of spirited debate and being able to push back on any idea. No matter what you believe I think that kind of skepticism and pushback is important.
But then the pandemic hits, for a while the show is just him and truly awful (but what else were we watching that summer of 2020 lol). Then he goes back to the studio and understandably a lot of people are unable or unwilling to travel. And everything that happens in 2020 further divides people and platforming certain kinds of people becomes actively dangerous and stops others from wanting to engage. Bill himself is even pushing back less. Like, having a Milo or Kellyanne or whomever (just examples) even in 2019 hits different than in late 2020/2021.
Combine that with Bill's opinions getting worse and it just became unwatchable. I believe it's better now but the relief I felt when I finally gave up gives me no desire to go back.
Prax150 t1_j6j76sd wrote
Reply to comment by pm_me_reason_to_livx in The Last of Us feels like a spiritual successor or a sibling show to The Leftovers. by [deleted]
I actually read the book afterwards so maybe that painted my experience differently than if I had already read it (although generally I don't care much if an adaptation changes things from the source material, I get that you actually have to adapt it to a different medium, and there's always the benefit of hindsight too, especially if the original author is involved like with both SE and TLOU). But Jeevan and Kirsten reuniting after all those years really got me. Spoilers for the book, which I definitely still recommend, but >!they don't get that moment at the end of the story, they separate the way the do in the show and the book catches up with Jeevan later on but it's almost completely removed from what's happening with Kirsten.!< I suppose you can argue there's more convenient serendipity in the way the show handles it but the point of that story is human connection and I really think they landed the plane perfectly (no pun intended).
BTW I also recommend the most recent novel by that author, Sea of Tranquility. Something happens halfway through that book that literally made me restart it to get the new context, I never do that while reading a novel.
Prax150 t1_j6j2fvh wrote
Reply to comment by WordsAreSomething in CNN To Show Bill Maher’s ‘Overtime’ Segments As Part Of Friday Night by ceaguila84
Totally. I haven't watched Maher since the pandemic completely broke him and any redeeming qualities the show had left but I'm kinda curious how it's evolved since those early pandemic episodes and how far off the deep end he's fallen.
Prax150 t1_j6j28vb wrote
Reply to comment by pm_me_reason_to_livx in The Last of Us feels like a spiritual successor or a sibling show to The Leftovers. by [deleted]
Station Eleven exceeded its potential and was even better than the book. The way it ties most of the characters together is a massive improvement and incredibly well done.
Prax150 t1_j6j1hwx wrote
Reply to comment by WordsAreSomething in CNN To Show Bill Maher’s ‘Overtime’ Segments As Part Of Friday Night by ceaguila84
You could say that of most elected democrats over the age of 50 lol
Prax150 t1_j6ig9d9 wrote
Reply to comment by MuteasaButton in Is Seinfeld kind of a flop for Netflix? by BitterEditor22
Netflix's algorithms clearly aren't perfect based on the way the handle their originals, but once in a while I think you can tell when they really believe in a show and want to make it work. Wednesday actually had buzz going in and they actually seemed to market it a bit, at least compared to other shows and movies that just drop without a notice on there. The Hollywood marketing machine has really ensured Jenny Ortega became a thing too. I think when something like this happens Netflix knows a show will be a hit.
Prax150 t1_j65t63g wrote
Reply to comment by KumagawaUshio in Is Seinfeld kind of a flop for Netflix? by BitterEditor22
I doubt any mainstream show is made for under a million bucks an episode these days. And Wednesday was basically a guaranteed hit from the beginning, I haven't seen it but I'm sure they spent a lot of money on it. Comparatively, Netflix is definitely getting their money's worth on Seinfeld.
Prax150 t1_j644jad wrote
Reply to comment by smesch83 in Shrinking - Series Premiere Discussion by NicholasCajun
If nothing else those are just two of the weirdest examples to choose as "guy shows." Like sure both those shows prominently center around male main characters but they don't necessarily adhere to traditional male stereotypes and there are plenty of women who enjoy them. HIMYM especially had two main female characters that were just as prominent as any of the men. Like, presenting Scrubs as the antithesis to Emily in Paris is truly insane lol. If you said Sons of Anarchy or 24 or something maybe. Or Home Improvement or The League if you're limiting it to sitcoms.
Prax150 t1_j5zgkk1 wrote
Reply to comment by Roook36 in “The Goldbergs” has strayed so far from its roots it now shows a post-credits “this is fiction” disclaimer! by CDavis10717
I still maintain that he successfully pulled a George Costanza and got himself fired because he didn't want to do the show anymore.
Prax150 t1_j5zcns0 wrote
Reply to Why is Jack Ryan S3 so terrible? by khroshan
I'm trying to play devil's advocate here and look for ways to defend it but... yeah no, the show's gone off a cliff. I remember S1 being so good, a perfect spiritual successor to the 24/Homeland style show but perhaps more grounded and serious. I don't remember a single thing from S2 but I guess I enjoyed it? And this season had some good moments (the >!bomb in a bridge episode!< was fun and well done) but generally it was just kind of a nothing burger action show best enjoyed with your brain turned off, and it's a shame it's come down to this.
Prax150 t1_j5z3gaf wrote
Reply to comment by Empeor_Nap_oleon in ‘Frasier’ Sequel Series at Paramount+ Casts Anders Keith, Jess Salgueiro by DemiFiendRSA
Hell, I'm not even disagreeing with you. I liked Cheers Frasier but if we're power ranking Cheers characters? No way he goes ahead of Norm, Cliff, Sam, Carla, Woody, Coach. Maybe he's ahead of Diane and Rebecca.
Prax150 t1_j5z28lx wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in ‘Frasier’ Sequel Series at Paramount+ Casts Anders Keith, Jess Salgueiro by DemiFiendRSA
I actually just watched the first ep last night and didn't hate it?
Prax150 t1_j5vcs6i wrote
Reply to comment by ILoveRegenHealth in ‘Frasier’ Sequel Series at Paramount+ Casts Anders Keith, Jess Salgueiro by DemiFiendRSA
My hopes aren't high either but Frasier itself was literally a spinoff of a show where he was one of the worst characters, so who knows? Plus if you're going to reboot something might as well try and do something a little different rather than just the same show over again 20 years later.
Prax150 t1_j5u6z5g wrote
Reply to comment by kugglaw in I want the Nolans to make a show by romanf_267
It's legitimately good good. I think some of the episodes are still among the highest rated of all time on IMDB
Prax150 t1_j5u6t3m wrote
Reply to I want the Nolans to make a show by romanf_267
lol Chris Nolan is way too up his own butthole to do a TV series, at least not while studios are still willing to give him big movie budgets. Maybe some day when that well runs dry but the dude out there literally splitting atoms for our entertainment.
That being said, while I don't hate his movies post split up with Jonah (nor Westworld), I think it's pretty clear that they need each other. The best Nolan movies are clearly the ones he made with his brother.
Then again Nolan made Person of Interest too...
Prax150 t1_j5qib06 wrote
Reply to comment by Carti-Rae-Jepsen in Superman & Lois casts Michael Cudlitz as Lex Luthor by klutzysunshine
Cryer was low key a fantastic Lex Luthor but I guess they don't want to associate the show to the Arrowverse? Like the Arrowverse has a Clark Kent that looks like Tyler Hoechlin but I guess that's a different Clark Kent than the one from Superman & Lois?
Prax150 t1_j8yjd0z wrote
Reply to comment by MicroFlamer in Variety Emmy Predictions: The Last of Us, Andor and Wednesday predicted by thetrilogy911
I'm not sure if I'd agree that either of those movies should have won any Oscars yet alone Best Picture, but Nomadland was Searchlight and won the previous year.