
t1_je6bw1y wrote

I would say that all of this could change once every (1st World) person has the ability to generate their own AI entertainment... but AI is woefully censored/biased, so this likely won't be a solution to the "offense taken" problem that so many people with 1st World Problems seem to have.

Good thing we can complain about "offensive" teevee shows on the devices made with minerals extracted by literal child miners in Africa. Black Lives Matter, just not THOSE Black Lives, amirite Reddit?

Gonna need more child slave labor to get a Tesla into every garage and 2 bug casseroles in every pot in America.


t1_je0it71 wrote

Struggling to figure out why this number is being celebrated. There are YouTubers who get 2 million views in a day.

Now, if Showtime only has 10 Million subscribers then I guess that number is a big deal.

But, I am preparing myself for the people who are puzzled when this show is eventually canceled, and the mental gymnastics they will use to show support for a "popular" tv show.


t1_je0by42 wrote

Can you give me a definition of "Whiteness" that isn't racist?

Because, so far, what I have seen from "Progressives" about the topic of "Whiteness" is that it includes concepts like "Meritocracy," "Punctuality," and "Doing Math correctly."

Is it "Progressives" understanding that these are not Human traits, but only tied to "Whiteness?" How is that not racist?


t1_je09wji wrote

It's the only acceptable form of "White Saviourism" in the Modern Age.

As "allies," these obviously "privileged" and "virtuous" upper-middle-class white folks will save all of us from prejudice.

All while assuring us that DROPPING standards for "brown people" and "Colored People-sorry-I meant-People of Color," is definitely the way forward for them.

I reject "Person of Color" or "Brown Person" or "Black Person," from these condescending "Progressives." It's another way to say the "N-Word," in my book and it's supremely hypocritical of them to treat us like we CAN'T do it ourselves, can't succeed, can't do math, can't read, can't show up on time, etc.



t1_jdwbjgm wrote

It's the other way around: Famous Actors should realize how random strange can be hazardous to their careers; either do not say you are exclusive or stay monogamous. Avoid crazy people (hard for crazy people not to date crazy people, but there you go).

It's better to stay with someone who knew you before you became big then to chase a bunch of starf*ckers and catch a stupid charge or get divorced or what-have-you.

Especially if you have a temper.


t1_jadf5b7 wrote

>“Mad Men is back and better than ever. This time, the show takes place in the modern day, following a cast of characters as they navigate life in the cutthroat advertising industry of the 21st century. Our main protagonist is a new creative director at a major ad agency, and she’s determined to make her mark in the industry. Along the way, she’ll have to contend with the old-school, male-dominated corporate culture, as well as a new generation of ambitious millennials. With stories of ambition, power struggles, and office politics, Mad Men will appeal to a whole new audience, while still retaining the wit and charm of its original incarnation. Get ready for a wild ride,” ChatGPT wrote.

Who was the predominant audience for Mad Men and why? Can you ask ChatGPT? (I'm allergic to algorithms)


t1_j7mb2q4 wrote

The old trash receptacles were those "chain-link" type metal baskets that were often chained to a pole. When the wind blew, the bag would turn inside out and all contents would swirl in the breeze.

Nowadays, when a city installs new trash receptacles, they have little shitty doors that get stuck due to being stuffed full of trash. People often dump regular trash in the recycling side of the receptacle because they do not want to touch a disgusting handle.

All this to say that, when you do request the Mayor do something about trash receptacles, make sure they buy trash cans that make logical sense.


t1_j6p2pzs wrote

I never played the game because I hate "escort missions."

TLOU seemed like Escort Mission the game. I haven't watched the show because I never played the game and generally hate zombie movies/shows.

But the way you described Ellie makes perfect sense to me, since most escort missions (in games) are annoying af.


t1_j6p0z8f wrote

The shows that I absolutely enjoy are the ones that had me from the start. I am slow to start and I always miss the trends, so after years of dismissing Naruto as "kid stuff," I tried it out a few weeks ago and have already gone through 100+ episodes.

I know what I like better than anyone. People recommend these newer shows to me all the time, but they never bother to understand what I like as an individual. So, I will watch a few minutes, or one episode, but my joys in life are so specific to me that it doesn't take hours for me to know if I am enjoying myself.

I am the same with video games.


t1_j6nbyiq wrote


This type of stuff is better suited to guilty wypipo imo. They can feel good because they aren't slavemasters and their lives aren't as shitty as the child laborers in the Congo mining their cobalt for iPhones/Teslas/etc. - I mean, not as shitty as the slaves who ONLY existed hundreds of years ago.


t1_iuig397 wrote

What helps me is that my tastes are so completely narrow and focused that I can go long periods between shows and I can wait for a show to stand the test of time. I only really enjoy Sci-Fi/Fantasy. And what has made me even more patient is the utter annihilation of any interest I had in all my old favorites: Star Wars/Star Trek/Dr. Who/Marvel/DC/et al. If you like the modern stuff, awesome! I do not. My life is too full of dour, gritty, realism for me to gravitate towards that when I am trying to escape.

I just finished Farscape, which is amazing. I tend to avoid any modern shows (after 2015) because they are usually too on the nose. I may give the Expanse another try, but I am worried it will end without a proper send-off. I already mourned all the Sci-Fi I used to love, so modern retellings in skin-suits won't ever appear on my radar.

I will probably give Lexx a try at some point soon. I may also re-watch Quantum Leap, as that is always entertaining. So much great entertainment has already been made, that I will take the internet's suggestion and leave the new stuff to the kiddos. "It wasn't made for me," and I agree. Let it succeed or fail or be meh or whatever.

In watching shows (mostly) from the pre-streaming era, I realized that what I truly love is 22+ episodes per season (some shows clocking in at 45 minutes an episode). So much time to get to know the characters. Writers who aren't doing commentary on a particular political party, but politics in general, war in general, morality in general, religion in general.

Shows that aren't afraid to have heroes who actually succeed. Shows not written by algorithms. I can bide my time, because the delight of finding a hidden gem full of content is worth it (to me) over waiting 9 years for 3 seasons of whatever passes for entertainment for today's masses.


t1_it4qj9a wrote

Whenever I see this suggestion, I think of that amazing Batman The Animated Series episode where three kids recount their personal encounters with The Batman and each is very different.

I would love an Elder Scrolls that takes that approach, but we would probably get something more like the Halo/RoP “canon/not-canon” approach so Hollywood creatives could fellate their egos a little more.


t1_isubif8 wrote

Disney PR told me (a black man) that I was racist because I thought the character of Reva was asinine/lazy/unnecessary.

Not one of my friends has ever insulted me and meant it. I do not forgive some gigantic octopus corporation for direct insults and I will never forget what they actually think about me.

They don't want criticism, that's fine, I won't criticize, I won't pay for it, and I won't watch it. The marketing technique of insulting the fans is beyond stale. I have enough willpower to avoid Disney entirely for the rest of my life. They should be happy. One less "bigot" to criticize their lazy attempts at adaptation.
