This could be tough, but certainly you can do it. Everyone who has advised you to find another competitive activity is correct. But you are also dealing with a significant change in self-identity. You also need to answer the question, “Who shall I be now?” First, you are an adult; you are, presumably, no longer a student in limbo between adolescence and adulthood. Career comes to the forefront. What are you going to be professionally? Perhaps becoming a spouse and parent will be part of your new identity. The beauty of the situation is that YOU get to choose.
And get used to a shift in identity. It will happen several times over what hopefully will be a long and happy life.
Good luck!
ProfessionalPiece25 t1_ja80lxl wrote
Reply to [LPT Request] How to accept ending an athletic career after college? by matt2085
This could be tough, but certainly you can do it. Everyone who has advised you to find another competitive activity is correct. But you are also dealing with a significant change in self-identity. You also need to answer the question, “Who shall I be now?” First, you are an adult; you are, presumably, no longer a student in limbo between adolescence and adulthood. Career comes to the forefront. What are you going to be professionally? Perhaps becoming a spouse and parent will be part of your new identity. The beauty of the situation is that YOU get to choose. And get used to a shift in identity. It will happen several times over what hopefully will be a long and happy life. Good luck!