
Professional_Fox4467 t1_jdt6bqj wrote

Unite the right rally, Jan 6, the multiple attacks by proudboys and neo Nazis, etc and we know damn well there's a number of them here. This place is has enough honkeys for them to blend right in. Even if there's only one there's too many and there's only type of good Nazi. This complacent attitude is how we got here.


Professional_Fox4467 t1_jds4wca wrote

I'm not putting much faith in people who instead of waiting for the actual cause of death loudly declare his "balls were squeezed to death". I have severely blasted my own before and about puked a few times. The article clearly shows they are not the sharpest tool either


Professional_Fox4467 t1_jdmopft wrote

Reply to Rooster in town? by jttIII

I suppose it's best to ask them if they are aware of the law and ask them to get the rooster gone all nice like first. If they refuse to I guess you can get creative and sort it out


Professional_Fox4467 t1_j9jmswr wrote

Reply to comment by fawnroyale_ in HOA questions by [deleted]

Cars kill grass by of course blocking the sun and likely they'll be leaky and that leads to permanent dead spots and soil/water contamination. Rodents think it a hotel too and any water that pools gives you mosquitoes etc