Professional_Show918 t1_jaah32i wrote
Reply to LPT Request: How to keep a cleaner home by bschumm1
The last thing you need is for her to feel like she’s your mom. That does not end well.
Professional_Show918 t1_j9vov6d wrote
Reply to My 10+ year old washing machine is on its last legs. What is the most durable washing machine in the American consumer market? by wecouldhaveitsogood
Speed Queen if it’s in your budget.
Professional_Show918 t1_j94k3lc wrote
Professional_Show918 t1_j8ynizo wrote
Nothing like rewriting someone’s else’s article from the past.
Professional_Show918 t1_j8qc3et wrote
Reply to India, soon world's most populous nation, doesn't know how many people it has by Icewear_Daddy
And we trust them with making our pharmaceuticals.
Professional_Show918 t1_j8j8tfn wrote
Reply to I need a washing machine by Exact-Truck-5248
Definitely Speed Queen if you want it to last.
Professional_Show918 t1_j6kybca wrote
They just need someone to pay for it.
Professional_Show918 t1_j6kx3sk wrote
Sophie the giraffe teething toy for babies. It’s $25 but has lasted 7 years. My Westi plays with it everyday. Available on Amazon.
Professional_Show918 t1_j6aybv1 wrote
Trust me they already know their credit is bad. Ignore the kids.
Professional_Show918 t1_j6au93u wrote
Excellent choice. Built like a commercial washer, easy to repair.
Professional_Show918 t1_j6a7bmo wrote
Yet we seem to believe everything on the news here. Even Russians claim to not believe their news.
Professional_Show918 t1_j5s40lk wrote
Reply to The most comfortable footwear? by _SGP_
Mephisto shoes, dress shoes feel amazing. I can wear them 12 hours a day.
Professional_Show918 t1_jaao7y2 wrote
Reply to Corona 17-DK Kerosene Heater. Older than me(1987) and wonderfully heats my garage every winter. by biggswiggins
I used that same model when our heat went out back in 1980, we kept a window open a bit for fresh air.