ProgressMom68 OP t1_j34ed4q wrote
Reply to comment by dannyjbixby in Bariatric surgery recommendation by ProgressMom68
I have adequate coverage but thank you!
ProgressMom68 t1_j33o7xe wrote
Reply to Cozy Sunday night dinner by IntroVlady
Oh! Haha. Jimm’s is my go-to date night suggestion but not so much with the vegetarian options! The Grotto is quiet and has lovely food but the ambience isn’t fancy.
ProgressMom68 t1_j2q1234 wrote
Reply to comment by WandererDynamic in Best Lo Mein in Springfield?? by Divine_skylin3
I liked the noodles but the pork seemed like it was breaded and that’s all wrong.
ProgressMom68 t1_j2q0yuy wrote
Reply to Best Lo Mein in Springfield?? by Divine_skylin3
The roast pork lo mein at Asian Hut is ok. New Oriental’s is gross. Honestly, I’m still looking.
ProgressMom68 t1_j1ekev7 wrote
Over by the Pat Jones YMCA there’s a hill people sled on.
ProgressMom68 t1_j1eee8n wrote
Reply to comment by notnotpegbundy in Warming centers list-Stay safe out there. by notnotpegbundy
I think most of us wish that. But we do what we can and it adds up. It all matters.
ProgressMom68 t1_j1ee1hw wrote
Reply to comment by notnotpegbundy in Warming centers list-Stay safe out there. by notnotpegbundy
Yes!! That’s extremely important. Thank you for doing it!! I’m so sorry if I made you feel like that wasn’t enough.
ProgressMom68 t1_j1e67b5 wrote
Reply to comment by Goblin4Morrison in Warming centers list-Stay safe out there. by notnotpegbundy
Wow. Nice ad hominem attack. As it so happens I’ve worked in homelessness outreach for many years. I know a bit about what works and what doesn’t and I try to share that and point people in the right direction. If you don’t like it, feel free to scroll on by. But attacking someone from a position of anonymity is shitty. Also, really? You created an account just to attack me personally? You have problems.
ProgressMom68 t1_j1bz8hn wrote
Reply to comment by notnotpegbundy in Warming centers list-Stay safe out there. by notnotpegbundy
Opening private homes isn’t the answer, anyway, despite what randos on the Internet would have you believe. Having large spaces for congregate care provided by people who know what they’re doing is important. Individuals can help best by donating what the shelters need, be that food, clothing, money, time, etc.
ProgressMom68 t1_j19t3x0 wrote
It’s important to know that some of these locations are “shelter in place” and once they’re full, people will be staying there for the duration of the cold snap. It’s very important to go to Grace tonight to get squared away. Downloading the Shelter SGF app will help provide up to date information.
ProgressMom68 t1_j15h3r8 wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Dogs Attack Students, Teachers On The Playground of Willard, Mo. School by Realistic-Sun3480
You’ve shown that you know zilch about dogs and have an axe to grind about this particular breed. Bye.
ProgressMom68 t1_j157k64 wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Dogs Attack Students, Teachers On The Playground of Willard, Mo. School by Realistic-Sun3480
You’re advocating for a full on ban. Where do you suggest these dogs you don’t want people to own go? Again, you’re arguing that breed is destiny. It isn’t. You’re also showing you don’t know anything about dogs or dog fighting. Yes, pits are used in dog fighting but they’re far from the only breed.
A ban just isn’t a pragmatic solution. This is particularly true in Missouri where we can’t even seem to regulate puppy mills. BSL really doesn’t work, anyway.
ProgressMom68 t1_j154rlx wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Dogs Attack Students, Teachers On The Playground of Willard, Mo. School by Realistic-Sun3480
You realize that tens of thousands of dogs would need to be destroyed? A large majority of which would never harm anyone? Breed is not destiny. For any dog breed. Temperament varies. If you claim every dog of a certain breed is going to act 100% predictable to that breed’s traits, you don’t know shit about dogs.
I feel like the solution is the same as it should be for gun owners. Make people who own potentially problematic breeds carry liability insurance. Give generous discounts for things like fencing, training classes, etc. Have a zero-tolerance policy for biting/attacks. Your dog does that, it gets put down. Like guns, the dogs are not the issue, the owners are. I absolutely guarantee you the dogs involved in this incident gave clear warning signs they were aggressive and it went unaddressed. Shit like this doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
ProgressMom68 t1_j14znny wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Dogs Attack Students, Teachers On The Playground of Willard, Mo. School by Realistic-Sun3480
That is such a nuanced, intelligent answer. Thanks. 🙄
ProgressMom68 t1_j1481eh wrote
All the providers at Mercy Psychiatry are good, especially Dr. Hoyt. The key to getting in quicker is to make an appointment and then ask to be put on the cancellation list.
ProgressMom68 t1_j147r7g wrote
Reply to comment by ErisEpicene in Dogs Attack Students, Teachers On The Playground of Willard, Mo. School by Realistic-Sun3480
The shelters are packed with pits and pit mixes. I think part of the problem is people adopting these dogs and not having any sense of how to judge a dog’s temperament. I’ve known pits with high prey drives and I’ve known pits who never get off the couch. People want to make broad assumptions about the breed, but temperament varies within the breed, as with all breeds.
But people are absolutely correct that because these dogs are so strong, that the consequences of them having an aggressive temperament are huge. I think what people mean by “irresponsible owners” is owners who don’t train their dogs, exercise them, keep them secure, etc. Although part of the problem is that pits aren’t very smart and they’re not super easy to train beyond the basics.
I don’t know what the answer is. It’s tragic how many of these dogs get surrendered/dumped because people don’t know how to handle them. But we can’t have them running around attacking people either.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j143hlc wrote
Reply to comment by Elvidnar in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
I think I’m going to skip it. We’ll be going to New York City next year, I think and we can have it then.
ProgressMom68 t1_j11ygja wrote
Reply to comment by Television_Wise in Patriot Front at Busiek by the_honeyman
THANK YOU. There is more than enough to mock those losers for. We don’t need to go for the low-hanging fruit, as it were.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j0by7m1 wrote
Reply to comment by robzilla71173 in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
Hahah! No. It’s just something I used to like to eat when I lived in the NYC area. I love that movie, too.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j0by3hu wrote
Reply to comment by MonoChaos in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
Peking duck is a massive production to make at home.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j0ad2av wrote
Reply to comment by sgf-guy in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
In general, duck is much fattier than chicken. There really isn’t “white meat” so much. Peking duck is a roasted duck with a method that makes the skin very crispy and the meat very tender. You take a slice of meat and a bit of skin and roll it up in a pancake with plum sauce and green onions. It’s delicious.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j09lkry wrote
Reply to comment by ehoneygut in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
Ok, that sounds worth trying!!
ProgressMom68 t1_j09kkxl wrote
Reply to comment by dannyjbixby in Thai Express//Crosstown BBQ by the_honeyman
I’m serious. What is it about “I don’t like this thing” that equals “bad?” Barbeque, like many things, is completely subjective. It’s beyond obnoxious and entitled to get insulting because something isn’t to your personal taste.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j09irky wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Peking duck? by ProgressMom68
They call it x Cantonese style duck on the menu but the presentation looks the same.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_j35ohpl wrote
Reply to comment by Embarrassed_Tax_6547 in Bariatric surgery recommendation by ProgressMom68
Thank you!