ProgressMom68 t1_isy7hwe wrote
Reply to Question 1 by davidrothchild69
I don’t care. Seriously. This is a NIMBY vs. greedy developer issue that won’t do shit to solve SGFs lack of affordable housing. This is literally a pissing contest between a bunch of wealthy people and it’s gross.
ProgressMom68 t1_isxtkxp wrote
Missouri is a failed state.
ProgressMom68 t1_ist2uyu wrote
Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Family Medical Care Center has stopped answering the phones? by the_honeyman
Oh geeze. That’s ridiculous. It infuriates me how difficult it is to communicate with them. I considered finding another practice but the pharmacy team that manages my diabetes is amazing.
ProgressMom68 t1_ist2dhi wrote
You have to leave a message and they’ll call you back. It’s idiotic. Also you know they have moved? They’re down by Cox South now.
ProgressMom68 t1_irz5tgs wrote
Reply to Any deconstructed exvangelicals around? by WorldFoods
There are many, many ex-evangelicals at Brentwood, including the pastor, Phil Snider. If you contact him, I bet he would know where to direct you to find like-minded folks.
ProgressMom68 t1_irx33c1 wrote
Reply to Uninsured Patients Can Recieve Free Vasectomies in Springfield, Joplin in November by [deleted]
If the world were a just place, all the evangelicals in town would be lining up for this.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_irrz2c4 wrote
Reply to comment by DrWhom1023 in Canadian thanksgiving dinner by ProgressMom68
ProgressMom68 OP t1_irpuft2 wrote
Reply to comment by Chang_Woo in Canadian thanksgiving dinner by ProgressMom68
They close at 3:00 during the week.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_irphiu1 wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in Canadian thanksgiving dinner by ProgressMom68
Oh this is a great idea! Thanks.
ProgressMom68 OP t1_irpc6ti wrote
Reply to comment by Opening_Put_1105 in Canadian thanksgiving dinner by ProgressMom68
Yes! I love Harter House. But I’m looking for a pre-made dinner I only have to reheat.
ProgressMom68 t1_irp5iqk wrote
Reply to comment by loganversustheworld in Beaver Road? Buc-ee's petitions city for street named after its mascot by [deleted]
Working full time at Buc-ee’s still won’t get you a one-bedroom apartment in this town.
ProgressMom68 t1_irhel3a wrote
Reply to comment by Emergency_Beat_600 in EagleStop Battlefield rd. by Emergency_Beat_600
They claim that chasing them down in town would be dangerous.
ProgressMom68 t1_irh5r1f wrote
Reply to EagleStop Battlefield rd. by Emergency_Beat_600
Bikers loitering at that corner has been an issue for years. The cops refuse to do anything about it.
ProgressMom68 t1_it8vwji wrote
Reply to Restaurant ideas by davedirt01
I think Civil Kitchen would suit your needs. They have sort of elevated comfort food. If you have a lot of people wanting different things, Big Whiskey's would be suitable. Farmer's Gastropub also has homey-type dishes and they have a quiet, private room you can reserve for your group.