
ProgressMom68 t1_j09kkxl wrote

I’m serious. What is it about “I don’t like this thing” that equals “bad?” Barbeque, like many things, is completely subjective. It’s beyond obnoxious and entitled to get insulting because something isn’t to your personal taste.


ProgressMom68 t1_iza7faf wrote

The important part here is the funding removal. ALEC and the GOP have been gunning to cut library funding for years. They don’t actually care about protecting anyone.

Also can we talk about the way the GOP constantly tries to supervise and regulate female-dominated professions? Librarians, as a general rule, are highly educated professionals with extensive training in curating and managing book collections. The majority of them are also women. The audacity of these mediocre men thinking they know better. It’s the same with teachers. Clearly the wimmins need guidance and supervision from their betters. Ugh.


ProgressMom68 t1_iz3ctcz wrote

I am. Yes, some of us do work to address adult hunger. There is a coalition of local churches that are providing cold weather shelter and meals to as many as 200 people a night right now. Asbury Methodist, Grace Methodist, Brentwood Christian, National Avenue Christian, Springfield Unitarian Church, Connecting Grounds Church, and a few others. Faith Voices of Southwest Missouri and the Ozarks Council of Churches do legislative work advocating for anti-poverty programs. Please let me know if you have any questions and I can try to answer them.


ProgressMom68 t1_iya1wxt wrote

Soooo…Dr. Middleton at Smith-Glynn is great BUT if you have any chronic issues like diabetes you’ll want to see a specialist. TBH, family doctors aren’t much good for anything except treating colds.


ProgressMom68 t1_iya1f2k wrote

For psychiatry, Dr. Willis Hoyt at Mercy is great. Good luck getting in, though. Dr. Autumn Clark is great too, at Jordan Valley.

For therapy, Tomi Taylor at All the Pieces Counseling is good. Again, not sure what their availability is.

Avoid Nancy Service at Mercy Behavioral Health Lark Street if you have anything other than mild issues. I was with her for years and she completely missed my diagnosis then argued with me when I finally got it corrected.


ProgressMom68 t1_ixsymcv wrote

You have to consider that there are a lot of people in Springfield who have never grown out of the high school mentality. Imagine having nothing better to do for a hobby than shitposting on Facebook. It’s sad.


ProgressMom68 t1_ixsx04l wrote

It absolutely fries my brain that behaving like an asshole and calling out someone for behaving like an asshole are considered equally offensive by some folks. I think we can all agree that adults need to take responsibility for their own behavior, yes? Maybe…and hear me out here…if someone doesn’t want to be publicly criticized they shouldn’t (checks notes) admin a group that punches down on vulnerable, marginalized people under the guise of humor. That’s just me, though.


ProgressMom68 t1_ixsw3b7 wrote

First of all, I’m not the OP on this post. Second of all, I never said I agreed with the people encouraging harassment. Unlike cowards who hide behind “free speech” and don’t remove literal death threats in their Facebook groups, if it were up to me those comments would be removed. But I’m not a mod. Third, this isn’t a closed group. Nobody here is hiding their behavior in a closed Facebook group.


ProgressMom68 t1_ixrl442 wrote

He’s a complete piece of work. The Springfield area Facebook restaurant groups used to be nice places to get recommendations until he showed up and started spamming every post recommending his own places. (Sometimes regardless of the type of food being requested.) But yeah. There are several closed groups that encourage harassment, doxxing and even violence against Springfield residents. Queen City Watchdog is one (Edit to add that it’s owner, J. Michael Hasty is running for school board) and there’s another ostensibly about SPS issues that I forget the name of.

It really sucks because Facebook groups provide some privacy for things like support groups and affinity spaces, but they also provide places for bullies to hide and organize. The only way to get toxic groups shut down is to infiltrate and report them. But that leads to the same behavior in return. It’s why a lot of LGBTQ+ and other marginalized people are migrating to Discord.

Literally the only thing we can do is make note of who runs these groups and who belongs to them so that the police can be involved if something happens. Although, from personal experience I can tell you that SPD doesn’t really give a shit about “personal” issues like doxxing and property being vandalized, even if it is organized on social media.


ProgressMom68 t1_iv3g9us wrote

Unless they stopped, that isn’t true. You may need a referral from a psychiatrist or therapist, but that is where I got diagnosed in 2020z