
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi7txl wrote

Oh please, it’s not about being “woke” in the opposite direction. It’s about being an adult. Editors and publications intentionally avoid addressing certain issues outright because of race.

A white kid shoots up a school and we need to address national gun control. Black people have been killing each other with guns in droves for the past 23 years and not a peep about gun violence.

Blacks actively targeted and killed asians during the pandemic, not a peep again. Had it been a white issue, they’d be equating modern violence to what Asians experienced in the 19th century.

There is a clear double standard.


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jcifsnd wrote

How do you go into an AmazonGo store and not realize they’re using facial recognition and other tracking software?… Dod you think the store was operating purely on the honor system? Because New Yorkers are such trustworthy people to begin with, right?

This would be surprising if you walked into your local corner store, not a store built on walking in, and walking out with food and other goods w/o having to stop to physically pay.