Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdigocz wrote
Reply to comment by CHADWARDENPRODUCTION in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What racism?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdigdhe wrote
Reply to comment by CHADWARDENPRODUCTION in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What racism?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdify4y wrote
Reply to comment by CHADWARDENPRODUCTION in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What racism?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdifpvh wrote
Reply to comment by CHADWARDENPRODUCTION in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What racism?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdievqv wrote
Reply to comment by 89titanium in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
He looks nothing like Owen Wilson.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiet0n wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
I guarantee you’ve used radicalized language in your life as well. I mean, you post in r/Chicago. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve said in lol
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdieb34 wrote
Reply to comment by sendphotopls in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What agenda would that be?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdidmwo wrote
Reply to comment by sendphotopls in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
We’re not talking about what they’d identify as. We’re talking about what American society identifies them as.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdidd84 wrote
Reply to comment by 89titanium in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
I’m waiting for one with a clear white suspect. Not people covered from head to toe in black
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi830z wrote
Reply to comment by 89titanium in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
Show me an article written by that “publication” that clearly shows a white suspect. That should help clear up whether they address whites as whites or use “light complexion.”
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi7txl wrote
Reply to comment by YoungMarshmellow in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
Oh please, it’s not about being “woke” in the opposite direction. It’s about being an adult. Editors and publications intentionally avoid addressing certain issues outright because of race.
A white kid shoots up a school and we need to address national gun control. Black people have been killing each other with guns in droves for the past 23 years and not a peep about gun violence.
Blacks actively targeted and killed asians during the pandemic, not a peep again. Had it been a white issue, they’d be equating modern violence to what Asians experienced in the 19th century.
There is a clear double standard.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi6uvc wrote
Reply to comment by _neutral_person in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
What issues?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi5ig3 wrote
Reply to comment by 89titanium in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
You don’t have anything to tell me because they don’t seem to have any publications about any white crime. Of course they use racialized language. As I said, we all do.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi4m6y wrote
Reply to comment by businesslut in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
We’re all obsessed with race. The difference is I don’t bullshit about it like you might.
And he does look black.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi1sg2 wrote
Reply to comment by 89titanium in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
Lol again, “dark complexion.” They use light complexion yet both are still black.
This country is obsessed with race, let’s not bullshit ourselves here.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdhyx9t wrote
Reply to Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
> Police say the crook, who has a dark complexion and slim build
A black guy. Just say a black guy. Because we all know if it was a white guy, they wouldn’t use “light complexion,” would they now?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdhyeox wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
Does he?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jcifsnd wrote
Reply to Amazon sued for not telling New York store customers about facial recognition by thebelsnickle1991
How do you go into an AmazonGo store and not realize they’re using facial recognition and other tracking software?… Dod you think the store was operating purely on the honor system? Because New Yorkers are such trustworthy people to begin with, right?
This would be surprising if you walked into your local corner store, not a store built on walking in, and walking out with food and other goods w/o having to stop to physically pay.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jcdzwg7 wrote
Reply to comment by colonel_beeeees in A tech boss appointed by Italy's prime minister resigned after quoting a speech from fascist dictator Mussolini in an internal email by 777fer
That’s ultimately up to you to find out.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jcdsglf wrote
Reply to comment by colonel_beeeees in A tech boss appointed by Italy's prime minister resigned after quoting a speech from fascist dictator Mussolini in an internal email by 777fer
It’s because you can leave those authoritarian workplaces. Therefore, still democracy.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jaezivm wrote
Everything is a subscription-based model if you’re brave enough.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jae8yet wrote
CHIPS act? What is it, a bag of potato chips doing standup routine or sumtin?…..
Tssssssk tsssssssssk
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_ja5744y wrote
Reply to I’ve inadvertently separated my TV shows into levels which determine where/when I watch. Anyone else this neurotic? by dustabor
When I eat, I’ll watch a show like KotH. When I’m not distracted by something else, I’ll watch TLOU, One Piece, etc. Some shows allow passive viewing, others don’t.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_j8xwsp2 wrote
Reply to Microsoft proposes AI ads in Bing by small44
I literally called this yesterday
Though, I doubt it’s an original hot take.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdih6h1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cops seek crook behind string of antisemitic vandalism in Forest Hills and Rego Park by Jigamanpimpc
So you agree in principle, you’re just making assumptions about me because I said something honest and open and it made you feel uncomfortable with how you feel about the subject matter.
Stop with the bullshit and be honest with yourself. It’s much healthier.