
Prophet_Tehenhauin t1_jdizlmr wrote

THey had an offer of 23% 2 days ago when the striking began, they rejected, and in context that's up from $25,000 in Los Angeles California, where they've been working WITHOUT a contract for almost 3 years now. Also that 23% number is just what was released by the district(against the confidentiality agreement they entered into with the negotiation team) to hurt the cause of the strikers.

It clearly hasn't been working at all and they need to take more more meaningful steps. The district is just fucking with them


Prophet_Tehenhauin t1_jdivzhs wrote

But again, does this ever happen, or is it just naive dream that should've died in its infancy?

Like, I mean they've been here before. History says they will be here again. It just seems like they're following some dream of how things should go, but if their dream keeps bringing them to this, maybe find a new one?