Pudding_Hero t1_iyxfae4 wrote
Reply to Wake up, people by h4clovecory
I disagree personally. Imo it’s an unhealthy and artificial to view things. I get this kind of stuff works for some people but its a very shallow way to deal with deep problems.
Pudding_Hero t1_iythkbn wrote
Reply to comment by ThaKoopa in [Image] I thought about quitting, but then I noticed who was watching. by Emotional_Composer34
Just like using pictures of tigers to make your quote heavier. It’s a solid strategy
Pudding_Hero t1_iythh9g wrote
Reply to comment by sloppyredditor in [Image] I thought about quitting, but then I noticed who was watching. by Emotional_Composer34
I legit thought it was taking about cigarettes or whatever
Pudding_Hero t1_iy5ilu0 wrote
Reply to comment by DroolingSlothCarpet in LPT Request: Is there a way to block all posts about Elon Musk and Twitter? by soundplusfury
We’re stuck in the Musktrix
Pudding_Hero t1_iy58ufi wrote
Reply to comment by MikeyNapoli in Africa in the '90s by QuestionableClaims
They made drugs look so cool
Pudding_Hero t1_ixxxvw8 wrote
Reply to comment by nowhereman136 in TIL for the Untouchables Brian De Palma casted Bob Hoskins in case De Niro could not appear. De Palma mailed Hoskins a check for his contracted fee of $200,000 with a "Thank You" note, which prompted Hoskins to call up De Palma and ask him if there were any more films he didn't want him to be in. by KongoOtto
Mario movie too!
Pudding_Hero t1_ixx2zq4 wrote
Reply to comment by queensg28 in ELI5: Why does it seem to be harder for women to control their bladders? by RandomKidIsMe
What wicked webs we unweave
Pudding_Hero t1_ixwp0n9 wrote
Reply to comment by prey4villains in Thanksgiving leftovers pot pie by CoolMoo5e
Just dump gravy on that bitch and pop it in the oven for a couple minutes
Pudding_Hero t1_ixsijlk wrote
Reply to comment by FormerIceCreamEater in “Kingdom of Heaven: Director’s Cut” (2005) by thedarkknight16_
How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
Pudding_Hero t1_ixkq96u wrote
*buys Twitter
Pudding_Hero t1_ixj555f wrote
Reply to Might be a stupid question, but I've been watching a lot of stuff regarding the Spartan and Persians recently and I always wondered how would these people have communicated back then? Were there specific scholars in both countries that were trained in various languages? by herewego199209
Trade and to even an certain sense global trade existed. Hundreds of years of mixed stories and intelligences.
Also Persia being a super-nation state would have hired,Merced out, or raised, Greek speakers.
Pudding_Hero t1_ixi4ocv wrote
Reply to Independent Spirit Awards Nominations: ‘Everything Everywhere’ Leads With Eight Noms by hatramroany
I feel like that movie came out years ago
Pudding_Hero t1_ixawak9 wrote
Thanks “White quote of the day “
Pudding_Hero t1_ix5neud wrote
Dude couldn’t even act his way out of a paper bag
Pudding_Hero t1_iwsxrpj wrote
Reply to comment by FUNNY_NAME_ALL_CAPS in Rats bop to the beat of music by Mozart, Lady Gaga, Queen; bopping was previously thought to be an ability innately unique to humans by marketrent
To increase levels of depression? Probably possible
Pudding_Hero t1_iwpwj9e wrote
Reply to New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
Success is such a hogwashed term I don’t really understand it
Pudding_Hero t1_iwi876l wrote
That’s a little too real for a Sunday comic strip
Pudding_Hero t1_iwgu8dy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Navy, Coast Guard stop ship with 180 tons of Iranian explosive materials by millennium-wisdom
Bold of you to assume it’s not drug related
Pudding_Hero t1_iwdypqk wrote
Que some half starved African kid with an AK pulling the stone from the rock
Pudding_Hero t1_iv3le02 wrote
Reply to comment by AnonSA52 in [Image] "Fear" by Butterflies_Books
Rude Duners!
Pudding_Hero t1_iv3ldfm wrote
Reply to comment by Thedrakespirit in [Image] "Fear" by Butterflies_Books
This quote always brings my game back.
Pudding_Hero t1_iuydl0j wrote
Reply to [Image] Never Quit by Scandroid99
The lioness has the same expression as I did when reading this quote in a curve
Pudding_Hero t1_iuycpc6 wrote
The article said there were only 20 adult wolves left in the Netherlands. That’s pretty fucking rude considering
Pudding_Hero t1_iyxfd0t wrote
Reply to comment by AnAquaticOwl in Wake up, people by h4clovecory
The nerve of some people