PuritanSettler1620 t1_iympbac wrote
Idiot hunters want to spend time wearing stupid orange and freezing their nose off instead of with their families. SAD!
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ixv009q wrote
That is terrible! How many people will die and how many lives will be ruined by that horrible drug?
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ixec727 wrote
Reply to Where’s the best place to trip in the city? by [deleted]
don't do drugs they are bad
PuritanSettler1620 t1_iwl1i4r wrote
Rat bastard commies
PuritanSettler1620 t1_iw0ttaj wrote
Reply to comment by RebelKyle in BU proposes three new buildings as part of $1-billion campus upgrade; also wants to start looking at building over the turnpike by EnjoyTheNonsense
And Harvard, and Northeastern, and Suffolk, and MIT, and Berkley, and Emerson, etc etc
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ivpbj9k wrote
Reply to What Boston suburbs are LGBT+ friendly? by Icy-Egg-7755
Newton MA
PuritanSettler1620 t1_itvb1t7 wrote
A Puritan to represent our proud history!
PuritanSettler1620 t1_it9cad6 wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMosasaur in Boston view from Arnold Arboretum by BlueberryFF14
You are disgusting, did the noted American financier, railroad executive, and horticulturalist Horatio Hollis Hunnewell build the Arnold Arboretum just so you could be intoxicated while ignoring the majesty of God's creation and staring down the bottom of a bottle? Absolutely not!
PuritanSettler1620 t1_isvshby wrote
Reply to comment by dyqik in Restoring ‘our Christian foundational values’ is the pitch from Mass. GOP gubernatorial nominee by lurker_registered
I hate witches. We need to do another Witch hunt because I swear these devil-worshipping, children snatching, potion brewing, spell casting, witches are more common than ever. Cotton Mather would be spinning in his grave if he saw Salem today!
PuritanSettler1620 t1_isvsbpx wrote
Reply to comment by frenetix in Restoring ‘our Christian foundational values’ is the pitch from Mass. GOP gubernatorial nominee by lurker_registered
Massachusetts is not catholic, Massachusetts is Puritan, has been since it was founded. There is no room for the pernicious papist influence in our Godly commonwealth!
PuritanSettler1620 t1_isvs1yi wrote
Reply to Restoring ‘our Christian foundational values’ is the pitch from Mass. GOP gubernatorial nominee by lurker_registered
So long as there are final exams, there will be prayer in schools.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism3oqo wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
I looked up the proposed legislation, it is an extension of the nanny state in an effort to "disrupt social hierarchies at work" and is a pseudo socialist attempt to hamper the opperations of business in this commonwealth. I will be writing to my State senator to vote against this bill and amendment.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism3aab wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
Yeah but in this country we believe you are innocent until proven without a reasonable doubt guilty, a standard I think ought to be extended to employers.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism23eq wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
Then what you have is a hunch not a case
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism1gc2 wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
If you are denied a job or treated substantively differently because of your skin color, that is an indefensible and bigoted act. If someone is mean to you that is a part of life.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism0oxo wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
how so?
PuritanSettler1620 t1_islzqv5 wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
I do support anti-discrimination laws, (in most cases) because God created us all equal, but I don't support anti-bullying.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_islwad7 wrote
Reply to comment by dignitytogether in THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
Im going to be honest I don't support your law. I think if people are mean to you at work that sucks but it's not your workplaces job to figure that out. If they are physically harming you then call the police but if they are just saying mean stuff ignore them or quit.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_islvrkw wrote
Reply to THIS SATURDAY! We're speaking out against abuse at work across the nation to call for change by dignitytogether
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you.
PuritanSettler1620 t1_iymqejb wrote
Reply to comment by Past-Adhesiveness150 in Local hunters call for repeal of Massachusetts ban in Sunday hunting by HRJafael
Because kids can't do hunting