
PurpleSailor t1_iwrgpea wrote

Screw that Federal Highway request, these signs get your attention and work. What's next, they're going to tell us that we can only listen to Bible verses being read over the radio?


>number of vehicle crash fatalities statewide this year, as of Wednesday, stood at 618 — 11 more than the 607 reported in all of 2021. The number of fatalities in 2020 was 516.

Yeah you can't compare times where a huge number of people worked from home with normal non pandemic traffic patterns.


PurpleSailor t1_iwhxe7w wrote

People ate far more meals at home than usual so it tracks that it would be a more profitable year. Meanwhile restaurants and eat out places had a horrible year.

Then there's all that extra toilet paper they sold because people weren't s******* on company time.


PurpleSailor t1_ivjs4dw wrote

Reply to New here by [deleted]

Montclair is supposed to be pretty LGBTQ friendly. They have a very active LGBTQ group in town from what I've heard.