
PurpleWhiteOut t1_j8nq24x wrote

I'm pro both projects, but you do have a point about the decline. The drops in population in NE has been significant and pretty fast. On one hand, this could maybe help the areas around the stations, or it could end up having declined significantly by the time it's done and end up with worse areas around it like what happens with much of the BSL and El


PurpleWhiteOut t1_j6upjqx wrote

You're right about zoning. You can see the city zoning map at Atlas.phila.gov. Click on any property, then go to the zoning tab, and.itll overlay on the map. Tons of neighborhoods are zoned for single family rowhomes ONLY, meaning not even duplexes are allowed. Many places lack zoning that allows for commercial corridors as well (CMX zoning)


PurpleWhiteOut t1_iyt1brq wrote

Obviously not. I'm wondering if a change in this disparity would lead to further displacement. I know someone who has lived in a neighborhood her whole life that is now rapidly developing. Her property value has been shooting up and is having trouble with taxes, and it's honestly probably still undervalued.