PuzzleheadedSnake t1_j3z1krd wrote
Reply to comment by thobek in Russia restricts conscripts from leaving the country by HarakenQQ
There's D for completely exempted from conscription due to chronic heavy diseases and things like blindness and missing limbs.
PuzzleheadedSnake t1_j20rffh wrote
Reply to comment by SUM_Poindexter in New sanctions starting to bite Russia’s economy as Moscow admits deficit impact by Minezenroll
They won't rebel because of economics. Those poor will try to survive, those rich will try to save whatever they have left.
If people will ever rebel, it'll happen only when FSB and Police will be underfinanced and unable to crush and control the protest anymore.
Then there will be shy protesting, and when it'll be obvious for everyone that it's safe to protest, and when the state TV will fracture and propagandists themselves will call their audiences to protest, only then millions will come to join.
But not when it's risky.
PuzzleheadedSnake t1_j5nd9ta wrote
Reply to comment by chiefcrunch in [OC] Ethnic Russians in the Russian Federation, 2021 Census by greensino
That's the default angle most Russians are used to, used in most school books and official maps.